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Chapter 24: Harmony Among Shadows

This is a major filler chapter because I feel I owe you guys some cute fluff and maybe a LITTLE bit of smut.


"I'm going out!" I yell to Billy from the doorway and hear his voice yell back from the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"None of your business dude!" I leave the house, locking the door behind me and hopping on my bike to the Cabin in the woods. 

Once I reach the homely space I open the door and am met with an empty house.

"Hey, Eds? You here?" I shout.

My boyfriend's fluffy head of hair peeps out from his room and he rubs his eyes, walking over to the couch and flopping onto it with a tired groan. I walk over to where he is laying down and pull him up by his shoulders, sitting down and laying his head on my lap with a couch cushion. He cuddles into me and I stroke his hair while he seemingly falls back to sleep.

"Eds do you wanna sleep a bit longer and then maybe... hm. You could teach me how to play guitar?" I feel him nod and I hum in agreement before turning on the TV.

I turn the sound down on the movie playing, a rerun of "Back To The Future", and settle into the comfortable couch. I look over at Eddie as his chest rises and falls with each deep, soundless breath he takes. I'll give him another two hours. I smile at his sleeping form.


The credits of the movie role and I stretch, feeling the warmth of Eddie's body against mine before he stirs awake.

"Morning," he murmurs, his voice husky with sleep. A smile tugs at the corners of his lips as our eyes meet.

"Morning," I reply, my heart fluttering at the sight of him.

We go into Eddie's room, a small comfortable spot with band posters littering the walls. I sit down on his bed cross-legged and he comes to sit behind me.

Eddie reaches for his guitar, resting nearby, and positions it in front of us. The familiar instrument emits a comforting aura, beckoning me closer.

"Here," he invites, gently guiding my hands to rest on the fretboard. Our fingers interlace, his warm touch sending shivers of anticipation down my spine.

"Start with this chord," Eddie instructs, his voice smooth and encouraging. Together, we press down on the strings, feeling the vibrations resonate through the wood.

As the first notes ring out, I feel a sense of exhilaration mixed with nervousness. But Eddie's patient guidance and unwavering support bolster my confidence. His fingers dance alongside mine, his touch firm yet gentle.

With each strum, I find myself immersed in the melody we create together. Eddie's melodic voice weaves through the chords, harmonizing with the music that fills the air. I recognise the song we are playing, I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire. One of my favourite retro songs ever.

Time fades away as we lose ourselves in the enchanting rhythm. The world outside ceases to exist, leaving only the cadence of our shared passion. It's a serenade of intimacy, our souls intertwining through the language of music.

Eddie's gaze never wavers from mine, his eyes filled with adoration and a touch of mischief. We laugh at our shared mistakes, turning them into beautiful moments of spontaneity. 

As the last chord reverberates, we fall into a comfortable silence, our eyes locked in a silent understanding. The room fills with the echoes of our shared melodies, and I feel a profound sense of gratitude for this shared experience.

With his guitar still cradled in his lap, Eddie leans closer, his breath warm against my ear. "You're amazing," he whispers, his voice laced with genuine awe.

A surge of warmth spreads through me, and I lean into his touch, cherishing this moment of vulnerability and closeness.

He places down his guitar carefully and wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my neck and hugging me tightly. 

"God I love these moments with you, just you and I. Your attention on me only." He mutters against my skin.

I turn to look into his beautiful hazel eyes and connect my lips with his gently, running my fingers through his umber hair. Our lips move in sync with each other as Eddie deepens the kiss, pulling me impossibly closer to his warm body. After a few moments, we part for air and I turn around to face him, pulling myself close to him as I catch his lips with mine again. His calloused hands find their way under my shirt to hold my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck gently, pushing him down so I'm straddling him over his bed. 

I grab Eddie's throat and press down lightly, kissing him passionately and pulling him closer. Eddie groans against my lips and tightens his grip on my waist, pulling me off of him and flipping us over so he's on top of me with a wicked smirk on his face. 

I grab his shirt with one hand and wrap my other arm around his neck, pulling him into another kiss and running my fingers through his hair. He takes his lips from mine and bites my neck lightly, sucking on my skin and causing red hickeys to show up over my skin. I grin at the slight pain and Eddie catches my lips with his own again. 

"Just in case Billy forgot who owns you." Eddie husks.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Hey, Eddie! I'm home." The voice from the living room is none other than Jim Hopper who we can hear is coming right for Eddie's room at this moment.

I scramble to pull my shirt down and slightly fix my hair. Eddie hops off of me and sits down across from me, also fixing his appearance. Hopper opens the door and takes a look at our dishevelled forms. His mouth opens slightly and he awkwardly looks between the both of us.

"Uhhh. Stay safe and use protection?" He shifts from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Oh my god we didn't- We aren't- No!" I stumble over my words.

The chief puts his hands up in surrender and leaves the room, closing the door and going to god knows where in the house.

"Well then." Eddie purses his lips for a moment then laughs.

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