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Chapter 22: Good Morning To You Too


The next morning arrived with a mixture of tension and curiosity lingering in the air. I groggily emerged from my bedroom, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, only to be met with the sight of Eddie and Billy sitting at the kitchen table, each nursing a cup of coffee. The atmosphere in the room was palpable as if a storm was brewing beneath their forced casual conversation.

I cautiously approached the table, taking a seat beside Eddie, who offered me a warm but cautious smile. Billy's gaze flickered between us, a guarded expression masking his features. I could sense the underlying animosity between the two, like a dormant volcano ready to erupt.

"Morning," I muttered, breaking the uneasy silence. The clink of ceramic against the table echoed through the room, filling the gaps between our words.

"Mornin'," Eddie replied, his voice laced with a subtle tension.

Billy simply nodded in acknowledgement, his eyes briefly meeting mine before darting away.

The sound of the front door opening made us all jump as we were already tense and we turn to look at the person coming in.

Max shuffled into the kitchen, still in her pyjamas, her hair tousled from sleep. The sight of her brother, alive and well, brought a mix of relief and apprehension. She gave Billy a hesitant smile before grabbing a box of cereal from the cabinet and joining us at the table.

As we sat there, an unspoken agreement hung in the air—this was a delicate moment, and we needed to tread carefully. The events of the previous day weighed heavily on our shoulders, and it was clear that the repercussions would reverberate through our lives.

"Look, I know things are... complicated," Eddie began, breaking the tension. "But we're all here together now, and maybe we can find a way to make this work."

Billy scoffed, bitterness lacing his voice. "You really think this can work? You think we can just sweep everything under the rug and pretend like it's all rainbows and sunshine?"

Eddie's grip tightened around his coffee cup, but he maintained his composure. "I didn't say it would be easy, Billy. But maybe we can find a way to understand each other, to find some common ground."

Max fidgeted in her seat, sensing the brewing conflict. "Can't we just... try to get along? For my sake? I brought him back because I missed him because I love him as my brother. I never wanted it to cause so much turmoil."

Silence settled over the kitchen, the weight of the situation sinking in. It was a fragile moment, where the past and present collided, and the future remained uncertain.

"We'll try," I finally spoke up, breaking the silence. 

Eddie nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Yeah, we'll give it a shot. For you, Max."

Billy hesitated for a moment before nodding in reluctant agreement. "Fine, I'll try. But don't expect miracles."

"No one said anything about miracles. It's just common decency." Eddie snorts.

Bill tightens his grip on his coffee mug and puffs out a breath of air angrily.

"And what would you know about decency? You faggots are all the same, don't think I didn't see that black bandana in you're pocket Munson, if you hurt Y/n you're dead." Billy snarks causing me to almost spit out my drink.

"Take it back," I say calmly.

"The hell did you say?" Billy asks.

"I said. Take. It. Back." I feel the warm blood run from my nose at my use of power.

Billy turns to Eddie with a sort of dead look.

"I apologize." He says with almost fake sincerity.

I grab Eddie's hand under the table and give it a comforting squeeze, earning a small smile from him.

"Hey! Don't use your powers on my brother," Max argues.

"Well I mean you did. What's wrong with letting someone who actually knows how to use their powers do it? At least I know my powers are not harmful to him or others unless I want them to be." I snark.

"Can we just get through this damn morning? Eds and I have to go to his band practice later so this coffee is all we're living on." I snap, chugging the rest of my drink and getting up from the table to go get dressed.


(I've made it so that the songs by Corroded Coffin will either be MCR songs or Kings Of Leon as KOL sounds like Eddie and MCR is just an amazing band)

The band cheers as they finish their first playthrough of a new song Garrett wrote for the band called 'I'm Not Okay', I think he said it was about a girl he met one time. The lyrics still reverberate through my head as I hum the tune, swinging my legs against a giant crate I have been using as a chair since we got here.

"Whoo! That was pretty good, I think we might even get a record deal by the end of the gig tonight." Garrett smiles with enthusiasm.

"You guys are so emo." I grin, handing Eddie a bottle of water while he wraps a towel over the back of his neck.

"Whoo! That was pretty good," Eddie exclaims, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "I think we might even get a record deal by the end of the gig tonight."

Garrett, sitting behind the drum kit, nods in agreement. "Yeah, we're really onto something here. The energy, the sound—it's all coming together."

I lean back against the crate, taking a sip of Eddie's water and twisting the cap back onto it.

The boys exchange knowing glances, silently acknowledging the unspoken connection they share through our music.

"I believe in you guys," I say, a proud smile gracing my lips. "You have something truly special."

Eddie's eyes meet mine, reflecting gratitude and determination. "Thanks, Y/n. Your support means the world to us."

Garrett's sticks hover over the drum kit, anticipation evident in his eyes. "You know, with this new sound, I think we're ready to take the next step. We should start reaching out to venues and booking more gigs."

I nod in agreement, feeling a surge of confidence. "Absolutely! It's time to share your talent with the world."

Jeff, with his electric guitar strapped across his chest, steps forward, a mischievous grin on his face. "And let's not forget about the epic guitar solos we'll be shredding on stage!"

Eddie chuckles, nodding in agreement. "Oh, you know it, man. We'll make those strings scream."

Eddie walks over to me and puts himself between my legs, with me sitting on the crate we are now almost at eye level and I grin.

He gives me a quick kiss before pulling his guitar back over his body and playing a few notes, adjusting the amp while the rest of the boys prepare for their next song.

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕴𝖙 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 // Eddie Munson DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now