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Chapter Twelve: Everything's Upside Down

Based on Season 4, Episode 7


I emerge from the vine-covered gate with a gasp. Fresh air at last.

Oxygen fills my empty lungs and pain fills my chest. I look around to see Nancy crouched over a very dead-looking Steve. I run as quickly as I can to the pair, sighing a breath of relief to see Steve still alive.

A large bat-like creature swoops down to attack us and I stare deep into two of its eyes,

"Obey me, do not attack." It immediately drops to the ground in front of me and tilts its head like a puppy.

"Defend us." I direct.

It seems to be having a battle in its head, confused about who to listen to. Vecna must already have control over these. I give it another direction,

"Kick Vecna out of your head and don't let him back in," I tell it.

It stumbles for a few seconds before giving me a sort of grin and flying up to cling to my back. I hear a female scream followed by 'Shit, shit, shit!'. I turn to the gate to see Eddie being thrown into the air by a vine. He lands on the ground on his back and I cringe in empathy. Robin is fighting on my right with an oar to help Nancy and Steve.

"Go help Robin fight off the others." It gives me a nod of sorts and lets go of my back.

I run over to Eddie who is rubbing his back and I help him up off the ground. He freaks out as another bat creature flies towards him. I use my power to send it the other way and Eddie tries to calm himself.

"We've dealt with this about three times, c'mon Eddie. If you get through this, I'll come to the next Corroded Coffin set." I offer.

"Y-you know about that? I never told you about that." He says.

"Duh, I'm Dustin and Mike's friend. They talk about you all the time, you're the dad Dustin never had." I snort.

"Really? I mean... Yes, I was aware of this. Okay, I can be brave. I'm not running away. Not this time." He breathes in deeply.

He picks up the oar off the ground and we head over to Robin and my new pet.

"Guys we've got to get to shelter or those trees or something, we can't stay out here," Robin informs.

Steve slowly gets up from the ground, grabbing a bat creature by the tail, slamming it onto the ground and ripping it in half.

"Yeah, let's go," I say, staring at Steve's broken form.

Large bite marks replace chunks of skin around his sides and stomach, blood drips from his wounds at an alarming rate. I whistle at the mind-controlled bat and it dives through the air to perch on my back.

Robin aims her oar and tries to attack him but I don't let her,

"This one's mine." I back away.

I reach an arm up to the bat to give it chin scritches and it makes a sort of purring sound.

"Alright come on, before we get attacked again." I start walking towards the woods.

The others follow and Eddie quickly runs to catch up with me.

"So, what are you gonna call him?" He makes small talk.

"I feel like Bax has gotta be the cutest name for this little guy." I look up at the bat on my head.

"Oh, uh, yeah. That's... adorable." Eddie says.

"Yeah. It is. Now, mind telling me what you actually came up here for?" I smirk.

"Oh! Yeah. Uhm, if we survive this do you maybe wanna go on like- a date? Or something..." He stutters and I don't think I've ever seen Eddie this shy.

"Of course! I was wondering when you were gonna ask. No need to be so shy. I hope you know I'm still going to call you bro." I tell him.

"Oh, I don't care. Go ahead." He says, a smile spreading onto his face.

We reach the forest and step over the vines and leaves to see a familiar hideout spot. Steve sits down, leaning against skull rock. Blood drips from his mouth and wounds, causing him to wince in pain as he makes contact with the hard ground. Nancy rips off a piece of her clothing to cover his wounds and Robin starts freaking out at them.

"We seriously need to get you checked for rabies because they're like- my number one fear." She says.

"Wait so no one's going to question why Y/n has one of those- Demobats on her back?" Nancy asks.

"Mind powers." I shrug.

"Alright then. So this place is like- Hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah, and everything is a hive mind, even those vines," Steve adds.

"Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna," I say.

His face turns into a look of slight disgust and he carefully makes his way down the rock.

"Wait so if everything from our world is here. We could just- go to the police station and steal grenades and shit? Then we could blow up those ugly bat creatures." Robin asks.

Bax lets out a hiss and snarls at the dirty blonde girl. I calm him down with head pats and scratches.

"Yeah, I doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades." Steve laughs.

"Wait we don't have to go downtown for guns. I have guns. In my room." Nancy says.

"You, Nancy Wheeler. Have guns, plural- In your bedroom?" Eddie questions.

"Does being in an alternate dimension of your hometown not sound crazier right now? Yes, I have guns, We've dealt with too many threats to not have them." Nancy defends.

"I have a gun too, not that you all care." I chuckle.

Eddie then takes off his battle jacket and chucks it at Steve who was having a 'romantic staring contest' with Nancy. I watch him slightly undress and my face turns a light shade of red.

"For your modesty, dude." Eddie turns to me and I look away.

"Don't stare, princess," He laughs.

"I wasn't, Robin was." Eddie grins at that.

"No, I know enough about people to know Robin bats for the other team if you know what I'm saying." Robin then turns away and acts like she wasn't listening to our conversation.

"Okay! Well, let's get moving." Nancy claps.


Not Edited.

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