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Eyeless Jack-

"It is way too early for this dog to be barking..." Ej grumbled, leaning against the pole of the net.

You snorted, looking over at him. "Throw her her ball. Rosie loves that." You said, attention going back to the water in search of a certain fish.

Ej turned to the large grey dog that was barking at him and cursed under his breath before picking up the tennis ball that by his foot and threw it, dog running right after it. "Go get it!" He shouted.

Your grandfather found out about your plans to go camping and wanted you to take his dog so she can have fun and run around. You didn't mind and she seemed content running.

You sighed loudly as you stood up straight and looked into the water. "I can't find it anywhere. I guess it did get away." You said, scratching your head.

Ej was about to say something till he caught a small movement in the water. "Wait, there." He pointed, making you raise a brow and look. You gasped loudly, ready to say something till Rosie suddenly jumped into the water.

"Rosie!" You shouted, the dog barking playfully before getting out of the water and ran around. "Case of the zoomies." You scoffed, looking where you saw the fish to see nothing. "Damn."

"Hey, M/R!" Ej, shouted, making you look at him but gasped when he held his net up. "I caught the fish!" He smiled, the fish in the net. You cheered loudly as Ej laughed. "We caught it!"

He laughed and set the net on the ground. "It took two of us and a dog to get this fish." He stated as you shook your head. "But we got it." You said, Ej nodding. "Yes, we did."


Zalgo stared at the top of the tent then sighed loudly and dramatically. "M/R, you awake out there?" He asked. When he got no response, he grunted as he sat up then peeking out of the tent to see you sleeping in your chair, in front of the pit that was used for the now dead fire.

"Hey!" He shouted, making you groan and rub your face before crossing your arms and go right back to sleep. Zalgo scoffed a little and made his way out of his tent. "I laid down before him yet he's sleeping while I can't." He grumbled, walking over to you.

With a small poke, you mumbled something and pushed his hand away. "Leave me alone." You muttered.

"Your body is gonna ache tomorrow." He said, pinching your cheek. When you didn't react much, he clicked his tongue and grabbed the blanket off your lap. "Alright, you asked for it." He stated, making you hum in confusion before yelling out in surprise when you were suddenly picked up.

"Zalgo! Why?" You shouted as he laughed. "You weren't waking up." He answered, walking over to the tent with you over his shoulder. "Maybe now I'll be able to sleep."

After setting you down on your feet and urging you into the tent, you were both comfortable laid down. Zalgo sighed as he relaxed a bit. "You know, we should sleep in tomorrow. You really got us moving around, walking around and having fun."

"It was pretty fun." You mumbled, yawning. "This is way more comfortable than that foldable chair." You added, Zalgo scoffing with a small smile. "That's what I was trying to tell you."

Jason the Toymaker-

"Ah, this is cool!" You shouted, laying comfortably on the bed of the truck, arms behind your head. "Stars are out and bright."

"M/R, there's so many bugs." Jason stated, standing by the side of the truck. You looked over at him then waved your hand around. "Put on bug spray." You stated, attention going back to the stars.

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