Hanging Out

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Let's say, few calls between you two, you eventually met up where you found him. You enjoyed teasing him about how the famous and scary Slenderman was found nearly passed out. That left him a bit flustered but eventually you decided to give it a rest. He would show you around his woods and laugh whenever you jumped at the most sudden noises. After awhile, you got use to noises. There was one thing that you didn't get use to, him appearing in front of you. Every time, you would feel like you were about to heart attack.

"Hey, did you hang up?" You asked, hearing no response. You grumbled and out your phone away. "Fine, hang up on me Slenderp." You waited for a moment before yelling out when something touched your shoulder. "You really need to get use to me doing that. You glared up at him and flailed you arms. "You need to make a warning sound! Like ca-ca or blah-blah!" You yelled and Slender chuckled. "Ca-ca." He said and you stopped. "That's a bit late. Slender." He nodded. "I know."

Jeff the Killer-

The next few days went quietly till he decided to visit. When Jeff did visit, he didn't even attempt to hurt you, fearing for his crotch. It was sort of awkward at first, just sitting on your bed, you playing on your phone and him twirling his knife. Then after awhile, you managed to grow comfortable around him. Soon, you both started to talk about random topics and watched a few horrors movie you both enjoyed. The two of you also sneaked to the kitchen, not getting caught as you both made some snacks ran back to your room, trying to be quiet.

"You seriously thought I didn't know? You tried to murder me. Your sweater also tells what you do." You stated waving your hand to his sweater. "I know but come on. You must admit, I look hot." He wiggled his eyebrows, face near your's. Your eye twitch and you shoved his face away. "Go away." He laughed, eating. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.

BEN Drowned-

It's been games in your room. You ordered pizza, he paid. He was the flirt, enjoying your blushing face. He didn't know what it was, but he enjoyed seeing it. Seeing you flustered and stuttering. The height didn't matter. Even as you were slightly taller, he seemed to find a way to make it work.

You gasped, losing again. "Goddammit." BEN wrapped his arm on your shoulders and laughed. "Cutie, you just can't beat him." You whined quietly, pouting. "I want to at least win one game." He chuckled and shrugged. "Let's play one more time and maybe you will." You restarted the game. "Maybe I will." BEN snickered, enjoying your stubbornness.


Whenever you were starving, you texted Masky, demanding for some of your (f/s) before you died. So, when he came over with your food, you thanked him over and over. He would stay and give you company while eating cheesecake. Of course, this helped with your immense boredom and he enjoyed your weird quirks. You didn't mind him killing as long as it wasn't anyone you knew.

Your stomach grumbled and you sent a message to Masky to what seemed like forever ago and were starting to think you were going die from starvation. "He must be busyyyyyy!" You whined loudly, laying over the counter. Then the bell rang and you saw Masky out of breath, holding a grocery bag. "Sorry! I had a few things to take care of!" You cheered and jumped over the counter, hugging him. "I could kiss you!" You shouted and dug into the bag. "You're so weird." He chuckled, patting your head.


After the last few days of chasing and watching, Hoodie decided to climb the tree you were hanging and decided to sit with you, waiting for Toby and Masky to run pass. It was just silent between you two before you decided to start a conversation. You two conversed and even when Toby didn't annoy Masky, Hoodie would come over and sit with you. Seeing your smile was satisfying for him. Then he would just enjoy listening to you read any books you brought.

"Come on, need help?" You lowered your hand to help Hoodie up. He looked at his hurt hand before sighing and grabbing your's. You grunted, helping him up and he sighed quietly, sitting. "Does it hurt?" You asked and he nodded. "Yeah, just a bit." You closed your book and started to massage it gently and he would flinch a bit but it felt good, so he just leaned his head on your shoulder and let you massage at least some of the pain.

Ticci Toby-

Toby would literally climb through your window at the worst moments and hide in the worst places. There were times he came at the time when you were alone but when he didn't you had to act funny around your parents while trying to hide him in a nearby closet. Then when waffles went missing, you knew who stole them and had to tell your parents that it was a study snack. They believed you and bought extra.

You sat behind the couch, phone pointed to the ready waffles on the windowsill and waited for the weirdo to come. When you watched the window start to open slowly, you tried to not laugh as you saw a hand reach for it. You took a small sling shot you bought and shot a marble, hitting his hand. He backed it away and then you saw Toby peek his head in. "What was that?" He asked, making you try to not laugh. Apparently, you weren't sneaky enough and he climbed in, sneaking to the couch. Then when you heard a creak, making you look up to come face to face with Toby. "Did you shoot a marble when I tried to eat a waffle?" You slowly hide the sling shot. "Nooooo. You must be ima-ah! Hahaha!" You started laughing, Toby attacking you with his fingers on your sides, tickling you.

Eyeless Jack-

Every time you came home, Eyeless was waiting either in your room or on the couch. So, when you just get home, you would jump on the couch or your bed, only to land on a sleeping Ej. Then after that happens, he would smack the top of your head with scowling and leaving you whining. He found it amusing but was annoyed with the amount of times it has happened before.

"EEEEEjjjjj!" You whined, holding your head. He rubbed his forehead, shaking his head. "Seriously? You need to quit this." You pouted, on your knees. "Stop sleeping on my bed!" You shouted and he flicked your forehead. "Get home faster then." You huffed, crossing your arms. "You're so mean!" You hit his legs while he shook his head annoyed. Sometimes he wondered why he hangs out with you.

Homicidal Liu-

He wasn't joking when he said he wasn't gonna leave you alone since a few nights later, he was in your room, looking around. You ignored the fact that he knew where you lived and wanted him out. You were pissed about the scar on your face and didn't exactly wanted to be killed. After a peaceful talk, you finally gave in and soon the visits were frequent that you become to enjoy it. Even if they called you that annoying nickname.

"Little bunny, pay attention to us." Liu draped his arms on your shoulders as you were chopping some vegetables. Annoyed, you turned to him with an annoyed frown. "Go sit down! I'm trying to make dinner." Liu, more like Sully, rolled his eyes. "Sully, we'll have to wait a bit." You turned back to finishing chopping and heard a small groan. "He's too focused on cooking. Well, he was asked to. I don't care. We're here." Getting sick of Sully's and Liu's conversation, you grabbed an onion and a knife, putting it in their hands. "Cut the onion and maybe we'll get this done faster." After they cut it, you were done making dinner. It ticked them both off that they had cut an onion for no reason.

Laughing Jack-

After a few more encounters at the park and elswhere, you two were friends. Candy buddies more like it. Argued which was the best, calm down after a bit, and enjoyed each other's company with candy. Even without candy, you guys always hanged out. At the park, your house, and the candy shop was the main place you two would be mostly.

"Laughing Jack, this is the best!" You held your (f/c) to him with sparkling eyes. Lj on the other hand was trying to convince you lollipops are. "I just don't get how when lollipops are!" You both went silent before bursting into fits of laughter, you ate your bar/piece of (f/c) while Lj put a lollipop in his mouth. You both sat silently, just walking people walk by and you leaned your head on his shoulders. "Good day, candy buddy?" He nodded, patting your head. "Good day, candy buddy."

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