Splendorman - Part One

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"What will we do? This is boring." You muttered while your brother hummed. "It is but no parents nagging me since I'm with you."

You hummed, arms behind your head, staring at nothing. "Hey, I'm an adult. Of course they would trust me."

"Not what your flower said." (L/B) said with a small laugh.

"Hey, I said that was an accident!" You laughed before sighing. "We need glitter." You stated making your brother look over at you.


You nodded and sat up, hands up. "We have glitter, it'll be fun to see you with a sparkly face."

He sat up, looking at you. "What about you! Why not you!"

"I already did. That one party before I left."

"Yeah but you were drunk!"

"Glitter fall on us!" You shouted eyes close.

He raised a brow as you opened one eye before laughing rubbing your neck. "I don't have glitter."

"I kn-"


You both were confused glitter came into view and you gasped before laughing. "Magic!"

Your brother seemed confused before you tilted your head back to come face to face with a wide grin. "Oh, hello! Who might you be?" You asked, smiling and taking in the polka dot suit and his hat.

"Well, I-"

"That's not what you're suppose to say, (M/N)!" Your brother shouted before blinking. "Wait, I feel a bit happy?"

"Tell me about it!" You looked back at the male above you and held your hand up. "Thanks for the glitter! Right on time."

He, it, or something nodded with a laugh as he shook your hand. "I was only passing through and heard."

You waved as he walked before turning to your brother. "My mood isn't so..."

"Irritated?" (L/B) questioned.

With a shake of your head, glitter went everywhere. "Yeah, exactly. I mean, not a bad thing. Now that I realize it, we were being idiots."

"Same but we are idiots."



You hugged your knees and leaned your head on them with a loud sigh. "Today is a lonely, lonely day." You said dramatically before shrugging. "Meh."

Then you laid back, looking at the sky before groaning. "This feels weird."

"Hm? You're here at this time?"

You leaned your head back a bit, seeing a familiar polka dot suit. "It's you!" You sat up and turned around.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

You waved your hand and patted the spot next to you. "Nah, you got nice feel thingy crap." You waved your hands as he sat down.

"A lot say that." He said while you nod. "So, what are you doing here alone?"

You rubbed your head before laying back with a huff. "Just thinking about stuff that is making me a bit, uh, blegh."


You nodded and pointed up. "But you know, this lovely sky is making me sleepy and I might fall asleep here."

He tilted his head. "In the cold?"

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