Jason the Toymaker - Part Two

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--Grumpy Jason--

"You jealous?"



"You're completely okay?"



"Are you for sure?"

"Yes! Stop asking!"



"You think you can help me move my room around?"

"Why don't you ask that guy you were with?"






"Don't lie next time."


"Why do I need to get up!" You shouted, blanket over your head.

"You've been asleep all day!" Jason shouted back making you sit up and look at him. "2 more minutes?"

He had an unimpressed look before throwing your clothes to you. "Get dress." Then walked out. You took the shirt off your face and grumbled.

"So demanding." You muttered, tossing the blanket off yourself.

Getting out of bed, you got dress and looked in the mirror as you buttoned your shirt. Then tilted your head with an eyebrow raised. "This is not my shirt." You stated simply.

Then you shrugged and yawned. "His fault. It's mine now." You said, going to the kitchen to get food. Jason looked up from Licorice before tilting his head. "Uh, that's my shirt."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You said, sitting on the counter. "You woke me up and threw me MY shirt."

Jason was confused before rolling his eyes. "No, that's mine."

"Not anymore." You said, patting your chest.

He went to argue but stopped himself and shook his head. "Okay, it's your's."


Sometimes, you worry about how Jason would be like if he was jealous. You know that he's a bit possessive and can be slightly threatening. Maybe not slightly.

Right now, he was quiet. Too quiet.

You dragged Jason to the store. Why? Because you had to do some shopping and you wanted to get it done fast. So, you went in one direction and Jason went the other way with a list.

Well, while you were looking at some items, someone started to chat with you. She tried but you were only answering with a nod or one word responses.

Then it was quiet. Glancing, you saw the woman moving down the aisle anxiously. You raised a brow but stopped when a hand grabbed your's.

You look at Jason who stared at the toothbrushes, eyes a bit greenish. Then smiled and squeezed his hand. After you finished up grabbing what you needed, you glanced at Jason.

"You're really quiet right now." You commented making him hum. "Well, no one plans a murder out loud."

He said that loud enough that the woman stumbled a little before leaving the aisle quickly.

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