Puppeteer - Part Three

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"Why does this happen..." You whispered, face in your hand.

Puppeteer raised a brow and looked at the clone sitting on the bed and tilted his head. "Is this normal for you? Does this happen often?" Puppeteer asked, glancing at you.

With a look from you, he chuckled. "I'll take that as a no." He said, crossing his arms."So, what happened?"

You sighed and sat down next to your clone. "I got home from school and saw him with a bowl of cereal."

Clone you laughed and pointed at you. "He saw me, tilted his head with the most confused look, and slowly walked out mumbling something."

Puppeteer laughed while you smiled in annoyance. "Shut up, you jerk. What would you do if you saw another you?"

"I have a few things in mind." Puppet said with a grin.

"I would be worried." Your clone whispered, leaning towards you. Glancing at your boyfriend, you studied him for a moment before nodding. "I would too." You muttered, clone nodding.

Puppeteer watched you and your clone whisper to each other before stopping to look at him with a studying look. Then you guys made an unimpressed look.

"What the hell are those looks about!" He shouted, making you shake your head and cross your arms. 

"Nothing." You both said in unison.


Puppeteer took a picture of your friends and you who were either on the ground or couch. "So, you called me about wanting more chips and nacho dip and this is why?" Puppet asked, setting the bags on the coffee table.

You smiled and held a bowl up. "Want some?" You asked.

"I'll pass." He said, looking at one of your friends. "How much did you all have to drink?" He questioned, looking at the few empty bottles on the floor.

"We decided play one of those.." (F/N) started but covered his mouth as he gagged a little. Then cleared his throat. "Drinking games." He finished, nodding.

You pointed at him with a grin. "Hell yeah, we did."

Puppet raised a brow. "What kind?"

"The movie kind." You said, smiling. Puppet glanced at the TV to see Netflix and hummed quietly. Then you held your arms up. "Help me up?"

Puppeteer helped you to your feet and was about to let you walk till you swayed too far to the side. "Whoa, whoa, okay. Maybe you should sit again." He said, making you laugh and nod as you sat on the couch. "I think so too but you'll drive me home, right?"

"M/R, you invited your friends to your house. You're already home." Puppeteer stated, laughing a little.

(F/N) laughed and pointed at you. "You dumbass, didn't even realize we were at your house." You gasped a little and threw your empty cup at her.

"We're at M/R's house?" Another friend asked, looking away from the TV.

"At least we have my boyfriend to help us!" You said, laughing and smacking Puppet's butt. 

Puppet laughed dryly with a strained smile. "Haha, yeah."


"Want to meet my parents?" You asked out of the blue, not looking away from your computer.

Puppet hummed and shrugged. "Sure." He answered, continuing to watch his movie.

Couple days later, your parents stopped by. You stood there, trying to wake up. "Do you even realize how early it is?" You asked, rubbing your eyes as you let them in. 

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