He Pranks You

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You yelled out in frustration since none of your pens weren't working at all. None of them. Every pen you tried to use was not working and it was pissing you off. After the tenth pen, you gave up. "What the hell! Slender, this is the tenth pen!"" 

Slender laughed quietly, looking at the clear nail polish on your nightstand. "That worked a bit better than I thought." He muttered.

While you were busy earlier, he had painted the tip of each of your pens with the clear nail polish so whenever you went to use that pen, it was completely useless. Watching you run around, looking for a pen was quite amusing to him.

Jeff the Killer-

Jeff was trying so hard not to laugh as you were opening each and every drawer of your dresser, looking for your clothes. "I'm so confused." You said, hands in your hair. Jeff just sat on your bed, not helping one bit but watched.

"How the hell is going on?" You muttered, walking out the room after getting dressed. Jeff made you went down the hall before starting to switch your drawers around quickly. Once you came back in, he was on your bed, messing around on his phone. 

"Forget something?" He asked.

"My socks." You said, opening where you thought your socks were only to see pants. You looked over where Jeff was to see him, grinning and waving. "Hi."

"I'm gonna beat your ass."

BEN Drowned-

You sat on the ground with math homework, pizza, BEN, and an 'unopened' bottle of soda. BEN was secretly recording you, waiting for you to open the bottle. When you did open it, you weren't happy with the amount of soda hitting your face and screwing up your homework.

When BEN laughed holding a towel to you, you turned and dump the rest of the soda on his head. Now, you both were covered in soda. He blinked a couple times before groaning. "Come on." You grabbed his phone and sent the video he recorded to yourself and stood up. "Clean this up. I'm showering."

BEN gasped watching you go into the bathroom then looked at the mess before sighing. "Dammit..."


You were watching TV since you didn't feel like doing anything and there was no work. It could be good and all but it really wasn't. Your TV was turning off whenever it got good. After a couple times of this happening you finally decided to leave it doing that and went to get a snack. When you got up, the TV suddenly turned on and stayed on.

Masky watched you sit with a wide smile and contently watch your show. He slowly grabbed the TV remote and turned it off. You sighed irritatedly and got up. This time you weren't sitting back. 

"Snacks. Just gonna get som-" You stopped, seeing Masky, hands over his mouth as he was crouched behind the couch. You looked down on the ground to see the TV remote. Glancing where you left it, it was gone.

"Masky, you aren't having any of my cheesecake." You said before walking into the kitchen leaving him to laugh. "Babe! I'm sorry! Let me have some cheesecake!"


Staring at your bright, neon colored nails, you raised a brow tiredly. "When did I paint my nails?" You asked yourself, rubbing your eyes. "Will it come off?" You rubbed your nails and tilted your head. You got out of bed and went looking for your mom. She said she'll get her nail polish remover but it went missing. So, you went around with some bright colored nails. 

Didn't stop your energetic self. You got some laughs out of it and a few weird looks but that's what made it funny. Then after getting home, there was a note on your bed with your mom's nail polish remover.  

'Hope your day was as bright and good as your nails. -Hoodie'

Ticci Toby-

"My mouth is on fire!" You shouted, mouth under the faucet but Toby heard gibberish. You had no idea why or how your mouth was on fire but you just woke up to it. After what seemed like forever of trying to cool down the burning feeling, you were able to handle the heat. You walked to your room, trying your mouth.

You raised a brow seeing Toby on his stomach, facing away from you. Slowly sneaking up on him, you saw him playing a video of you running out the room to the bathroom, a bottle of hot sauce in his hand. He gave quiet laughs but gasped when you suddenly pulled him off the bed by his feet.

"You asshole!"

He laughed and you grabbed your pillow, starting to beat him with it. "I love you!" He shouted in between hits.

Eyeless Jack-

You stared at the slices of cake in the fridge that Ej brought over. Ej said that one of them have kidneys in them and the other would be normal and that one of his friends wanted him to try and say if it was good or not. Problem was that they looked the same and you didn't know which had kidneys and what didn't. 

"He said the one on the right is his." You muttered, grabbing your plate and sat it on the counter. You grabbed a fork and dug in. It was a different taste but wasn't too bad. You couldn't put your finger on it but it was pretty good. You even shared with your little brother as he was running around and playing. 

When Ej came over to have his slice, he opened the fridge and tapped your shoulder. "Hey, where's my piece?" That's all it took for you to drop your fork and look at him horrified. Let's just say, Ej was forced to sleep on your bedroom floor or sleep in his room at the mansion. 

Homicidal Liu-

You banned them from the kitchen. Whenever you are cooking, they aren't allowed in there. Why? Sully had this brilliant idea to prank you. Liu was also brilliant and wanted to as well. 

As you were cooking, they decided to help you. You were a bit wary but still allowed them to help. Telling them to cut some vegetables, you didn't think it was a bad idea. Then you noticed how quiet they were being till there was a loud gasp. 

Going to check what was wrong, you also gasped and held their hand in your's. "You guys kill with a knife! How do you, you know what! I don't want to know!" You rushed them to the sink and started to run water over the cut only to find out it's red food dye.

They were both laughing till you grabbed the sink hose and started to spray them, yelling that they are not allowed in the kitchen.

Laughing Jack-

The candy on the coffee table was winning and you hated that. Lj was watching completely entertained by the fact that you were trying to get a piece of candy off the table. He had unwrapped a bunch of fun-sized candies while you went to get some drinks.  He glued three of them to the table. 

Now, here you are, trying to figure out how to get them off the table. "Lj, I'm gonna get them off!" You declared, running into the kitchen. "The pieces must be wet and that's why their sticking to the table!" You ran back with a fork and started to try and pluck the candies off the table.

After awhile of watching you struggle, Lj finally laugh. "Sweets, it's glued to the table." He said, patting your shoulder. You looked at him before reaching for his nose. "I'm gonna twist that nose of your's even more."

"Why can't you leave my nose alone! No, don't!" 

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