Dark Link - Part Two

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"Hey baby"

"We got a situation"

"I know you ate my chips"



"If I said I can't stop thinking about you"

"Will you forgive me"

"You're buying me another bag"

"^_^' figured as much"


You laid in Dark's room, bored. "Is there seriously nothing to do in here?" You groaned quietly before looking over at his closet.

"I wonder if I'll find any magazines or something." You got off his bed and walked over to the closet with curiosity. "Huh, he's got a couple hats, a few shirts, and a hoodie. He shouldn't mind too much, right?"

So, his hoodie came on and put on the hat with a nod. "Well, this is actually comfortable." You muttered before jumping on his bed and sighed. "I might actually steal this. Will it for in my backpack?"

"Will what fit?"

You jumped and looked over at the door to see Dark with a raised brow. "Is that my hoodie?"

"Uh, no?"


"Did you see the trailer!" (F/N) shouted, hands intertwined with your's. "I know! I can't believe it!" You shouted back, sitting on your knees.

Dark was on the floor, playing a level for you while (F/N) and you continue to shout at each other, nod, and keep your hands together. It wad annoying him, just a tiny a bit.

"Should we go together to see it! We have to see it in theaters!" You yelled, making Dark paused the game and look at you two.

"Hey, I am right here."

You looked at him. "Wanna go see with us?"

His eyebrow twitched irritatedly. "I'll go with you."

(F/N) caught on quickly while you were raising a brow. "OK? So, just us? Then I can go with him?"

"You know, I love you, my dear (M/N), but I have to go home." (F/N) said, letting your hands go and grabbing his bag. He gave a wave and left the room.

"You were jealous?"

Dark sighed deeply and got up to turn off the tv. "Yeah, sorry."

"Soooooo, it worked?"

He stopped walking to the tv and looked at you. "What?" You grinned, opening your arms. "Did it work?" Dark blinked before tackling you to your bed, starting to tickle you.

"Why, you little!"

"Haha! D-Dark! Stop!" You laughed, trying to get away.


Dark looked at your dog and chuckled quietly as he held the gory mask. "He won't see this coming." He whispered to your dog.

(D/N) just seem to tilt his head. Dark waited a few moments for your text that you're on your way before putting the mask on (D/N), well, trying.

He was able to get the mask on just a few seconds before you walked in. He ran and hid in a nearby closet.

"Dark! I'm back!" You shouted, setting your bag on the couch. You shrugged when you didn't get a response and sat on your couch. "(D/N), my baby girl/boy!" You shouted, laying back.

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