Neko/Inu Boyfriend

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Your boyfriend did not look happy, at all. You were getting a kick out of it. "Not so funny when it happens to you, is it?" You questioned, trying not to laugh. Offender's new dog ears lowered a bit and he opened his mouth to say something but said nothing. Instead, he scoffed and looked away from you.

"Aww, were you gonna say something?" You asked, teasing him as you leaned your head on his shoulder. "Come on, can't be so bad, right? I mean, I went back to normal." You added with a small smile.

Offender shook his head. "This is fucking irritating." He said making you snort. "Poor baby. What's wrong? Sensitive nose?"

"I'm gonna bite you." He threatened but you bit your lip before shrugging. "Then no sex." You retorted making him stare at you but snorted, not believing you. "Yeah, right." He said, looking at the TV before turning to you. "You don't mean it, right?"

You leaned back with a small playful grin. "Do I?"

Offender stared at you for a few moments before scoffing. Then he heard a camera click making him turn to you, seeing your phone in hand. "M/R?" He questioned, watching as you looked at your phone. "Dude, we gotta talk about how you look good in almost every picture I take." You said, showing him the picture and he gave a small 'huh'.

"That is a good picture." He said making you nod. "Told you. Now, excuse me, I'm gonna send this to Slender." You said, getting up and walking. Offender hummed and continued to watch TV before he got up to follow you.

"Don't show Slender that, M/R!"


"Please, don't say anything." Hoodie pleaded while you were staring at the dog ears on his head. "But, Hoodie..." You started.

"Yes, I know. I have the ears and tail now." Hoodie said, his hand touching his new pair of ears. You walked around him and gave a small hum. "Not gonna lie. You kinda look hot." You commented with a small shrug. You looked at the fluffy tail behind him and snorted.

He glanced at you with his brow raised. "What?" He asked making you shake your head. "Nothing. It's just you got a fluffy tail." You said, smiling then stood in front of him. "I'm curious on something." You whispered, tilting your head.

Hoodie studied the look on your face before clearing his throat. "M/R?"

You blinked before raising a brow. "What?"

"Stop thinking about whatever you're thinking." He said, making you gasp and poke his forehead. "I get to think about whatever the hell I want." You huffed before pointing to where he was standing. "Stay right there." You ordered before walking to the kitchen, leaving him in the living room a little confused.

When he came back, he saw the laser pointer in your hand making him snort and grin. "I'm not gonna go after the laser like you did. I am in complete control of myself." He said, crossing his arms.

You nod with an amused smile before pushing the button. "So, I can just point it wherever?" You questioned, standing next to him.

Hoodie scoffed and stared at the red dot on the ground. Then just watched as you moved it around before clearing his throat awkwardly. "Okay, maybe I don't have full control of myself." He said making you laugh and pat his back.

Laughing Jack-

"Haha, come on, M/R." Lj said, rubbing his cheek against your's. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, sweetie."

You groaned tiredly, opening one eye to see Lj in front of you. "Shit!" For some reason, sitting up seemed like a good idea and well, you bumped foreheads with Lj.

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