Splendorman - Part Two

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Splendor watched while you were holding a puppy, saying how cute it was while it licked your nose. A friend needed someone to watch the pup and you volunteered.

It was only a few days, so you didn't mind at all.

Splendor liked the puppy but not the amount of attention it got. So, after your friend picked the pup up, you noticed Splendor's gloomy and pouty mood.

"What's wrong?" You asked, hugging him as he huffed quietly. You raised a brow before connecting the dots and laughing.

"The puppy? Really?"

His cheeks flushed pink as he looked away. "No."

"Aww, babe, I still love you! I'm sorry." You laughed, hugging and said a few more apologizes but still teased him a bit.


For a few days, you complained a bit about the heat. Splendor had a brilliant idea that annoyed you the entire day.

"It's too far to walk. I'm gonna die from the heat." You complained before yelping when cold water was dumped on your head.

Splendor laughed and closed his water bottle. "How do you feel now?" He asked and you groaned quietly. "Really?"

He shrugged and you shook your head, ruffling your hair. "Lovely."

A little bit later while getting food, you were ordering before yelping when there was coldness going down your back.

When you turned to Splendor, he grinned and waved, drinking his water bottle. Then while looking around at the store, Splendor splashed some water on your face with his hand making you groan.


He laughed as he waved innocently. Now, you were on guard and waited from him to dump water on you but he left you alone the rest of the store.

It was when you got to the parking lot that he dumped a water bottle on your head making you more wet than you already were.

"Goddammit..." You mumbled as you shook your head while Splendor laughed. "Are you kidding me!"

"Maybe you shouldn't complain so much!" He laughed more while you groaned. "Fine but stop the dumping of water!"

He nodded with a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, I'll stop."

"Good." You nodded before sighing. "I got to admit it feels good."


"What's this for?" Splendor asked while he looked at your laptop.

You smiled and held your phone up as you started recording. "I just need you to say you opinion of my presentation. I'm gonna record so I can edit later."

Splendor shrugged and looked through, commenting a few times. You were waiting for a certain moment because this wasn't a presentation.

When a scream was heard, Splendor jumped, knee hitting the table, and moving back."What the heck was that!" He exclaimed as you laugh and pulled your laptop towards yourself.

"Fucking payback." You grinned while he covered his face. "That was scary." He mutter while you patted his back with a small laugh. "Sorry, babe."


One thing you never expected was to tumble down the stairs. Not like falling down the stairs like in the horror movies.

No, your clumsy ass slipped on a step and you slid down on the stairs, on your butt. Splendor was walking pass when he saw this and only watched till you stopped at the last few steps.

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