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(Hello dear readers! Lil Cipher here! These things are long, haha, who knew! Here's when they decide to confess. Not very good with the romantic stuff but it might be fun. Tell me how I do!)


You sat on the grass, leaning against the tree, working on homework. You seem to find yourself in this part of the woods quite often. Usually, it would be a park but you found your way into Slender's woods. You paused at the thought of Slender and hummed quietly. "Where is Slender? He's been weird the last few days." You looked back at the last few weeks remembering his weird behavior. Shyness, turning red, and much more. "Does he like me?" You muttered before shaking your head. "No, we're both males. Well, not like I would mind."

"So, if I asked you out, if wouldn't be a problem?"

You squeaked, jumping, and holding your binder to your chest. You looked to your right and up to see Slender, leaning against the tree before sitting next to you. "If it's you, I wouldn't mind." You leaned your head on his shoulder. "So, yes. I'll go out with you."

Jeff the killer-

You sat on your bed, earbuds in, and watching a movie. Complete focus on it but the sound of your window caught your attention and smiled seeing Jeff. Lately, you started to notice his odd behavior but decided to not worry, since he's Jeff. You pulled out one earbud and held it to him. He took his hoodie off and kicked his shoes off before jumping into bed next to you. He took the earbud and put it in his ear, watching the movie. Then he slowly reached his hand to your's gently intertwining your fingers with his.

"Jeff?" You questioned, looking at him. His cheeks tinted pink but gave a small hum. "What?" You tilted your head before laughing quietly. "Wanna go out with me?" You asked, making Jeff gasp quietly. "Huh?" You chuckled quietly, kissing the side of his lips. "Date. Be my boyfriend?" He nodded his head, arm moving around your shoulders. You leaned your head on his, watching the movie.

BEN Drowned-

BEN didn't know how to ask you out and was afraid of ruining your friendship. He wanted to keep seeing your adorable smile. So, he decided to play a game. He would see what happens when you play a deal. With that in mind, he was in your room. What he wasn't expecting was you naked and in nothing but a towel around your hips.

You both stared at each other before you gave a closed eyes smile, waving. "Hey, BEN. Let me get dress and we-"

"Go out with me! Like seriously! Both body and heart! We would be total compatible!" He shouted, blushing. Your eyes widened and your face flushed completely red. When you were silent, BEN took that as a rejection before feeling your hand on his cheek. "Haha, sure." BEN saw your adorable smile and couldn't help but smile himself. "You're just too adorable." He placed both hands on your cheeks, rubbing his forehead on your's.


Masky watched as you stood there awkwardly, trying to get a girl's orders and not flirty comments. It seemed to prove difficult since she wasn't saying anything about food. Just how the two of you should hook up and such. Of course, Masky wasn't exactly happy about that. He had the lunch you wanted in a bag, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and mask to the side showing his frown, waiting. When he couldn't handle it. He pushed himself from the wall and walked over to the counter.

"(M/N!" He shouted, catching both of your attention. When you saw him, you smiled widely. "Masky! You were awake!" Masky nodded, holding the bag up with a smile. You cheered before looking at the girl. "Last chance to order before I go to lunch." The girl blinked confused before scoffing. "You wouldn't." Masky twitched slightly. "He's currently unavailable." He blurted out. You laughed, jumping over the counter.

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