Meeting Your Sibling/s

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Your sister looked at you before pointing to Slender with her thumb. "He's the one who broke Mom's favorite lamp?" She whispered.

"The one and only." You said with a smile. Slender gasped quietly and looked where the lamp use to sit. "That was your mom's favorite lamp? You said it wasn't a big deal."

You and your sister laughed a bit before calming down. "He's funny." (S/N) commented, patting your shoulder. Slender tilted his head confused. "Why is that funny?"

"We don't like that lamp." You both said. You covered your face with your hands. "Not even dad could convince her to not get it." Your sister sighed dramatically. "She got a couple and has them around the house.

Slender understood. "Oh, so, me breaking the lamp wasn't a big deal?" You nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

(S/N) hummed and tugged his arm a bit. "How much for you to shatter the next few?"

Jeff the Killer-

"Stay away!" Your brother shouted, arms out and in front of you, glaring at Jeff. You raised a brow and Jeff smiled irritated. "What?"

"You're not gonna kill (N/N)!" He turned and hugged you while you were thinking before getting it. "Oh."

Jeff waved his hands. "Oh, what?" He asked, crossing his arms. "You strangled me and would've killed me but he walked in."

He thought about before groaning. "Dammit. I hoped he didn't see me." He said, taking a step to you.

"Well, he did and now thinks you're here to strangle me." You said, making Jeff frown. "Not helping, babe." You hummed and patted (B/N)'s shoulder. "Hey, he's not here to hurt me."

He looked up at you then Jeff. "He's not?" Jeff nodded, hugging you from behind. "I am here to kiss and cuddle big brother (M/N)."

"Smooth." You commented sarcastically. He pinched your side making you squeak a bit. "Oh...does that mean (S/N) gets to dress him up instead of us."

Jeff gave a small confused 'huh' before seeing you nod. "Exactly! No more princesses and cheerleaders for us! Jeff can be that."

(B/N) liked that. So, he liked Jeff.

BEN Drowned-

(S/N) stared at BEN before looking at you and humming. "He's kinda short. Just a couple inches than you." She commented making you laugh. BEN gasped and crossed his arms.

"It's easy to pin him down though." He said, sitting on your bed. You blushed and hit his arm lightly. (S/N) shrugged. "Yeah, I know. He's cute that way."

BEN nodded, patting your chest. "He's the package. Cute, gamer, and awesome."

"Hurt him even one bit, Link and no one will ever find your body once I hide it." She said, arms crossed. You held the game she wanted to her. "Don't scare him too much, sis."

She patted your head. "Well, I'll let you help." You smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't mind hiding a body."

"Wait, you wouldn't mind hiding MY body?" BEN asked, pointing to himself. You gave a hum. "I wouldn't. If you hurt me then I'll make sure no one ever finds you."

He opened his mouth slightly, horrified by your statement. Your sister chuckled and pinched your cheek. "Everyone's got a mean streak."


Masky sat with your sister on his lap and your brother on his back. Your siblings have taken a liking to him.

"Why do you wear a mask?"

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