Rake - Part Two

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You stared at the few shirts Rake hung up in your closet before looking out your bedroom door, hearing the shower. "He takes awhile in the shower so..."

With a small shrug, you took the gray long sleeve off the hanger and slipped it on. "Look at that. Not such a bad fit." You muttered, pulling the sleeves up slightly. "Huh." You nodded with a small smile.

"What are you doing?"

You yelped and turned around to see Rake, towel on his head, dressed. "Don't do that!" You exclaimed, crossing your arms.

"I just asked a question." He said, sitting on your bed. You snorted, stretching your arm out to look at the sleeve. "I'm stealing your clothes." You stated before looking at him with a grin.

Rake raised a brow. "Why? It's just simple shirt."

You laid on the bed and sighed loudly. "Rake, maybe I just want your clothes. Plus, it's really comfortable."

"We'll just get the same shirts except in your size then." Rake said with a small shrug.

You stared at him before sticking your tongue out. "I'm keeping the shirt." You smiled and he nodded slowly. "Okay then?"


Rake hugged your from behind, chin resting on your shoulder with a small pout, and your shirt being played with by his fingers. Only thing he got was a pat on the head from you before continuing your conversation with a friend.

Both you were invited to a party and you started to catch up with a friend you haven't seen in awhile.

Rake didn't know what he was feeling but he didn't like it. So, Rake pinched your side making you jump a little before turning to him and he looked away innocently.

You raised a small brow and responded to your friend's question. Rake didn't notice but you had a small smile as you purposely ignored his little attempts at getting your attention.

It was a little cute to see Rake a little jealous but he put an end to your sadistic streak when he turned your head and kissed you.

When he pulled away, he huffed a little. "You're talking so much."

"I'll talk with you later." (F/N) said with a small chuckle and you waved as they walked away before turning to your boyfriend.

"You lasted longer than I thought you." You said with a small laugh while he gasped. "Wait, you did that on purpose?"

You shrugged innocently. "Maybe."


Slowly peeking into your room, Rake saw you were still asleep and looked at the large inflated cockroach. He made sure to do this when you weren't doing anything for the day. Then he made sure to shut off your alarms just in case you didn't.

Then he spent some time on the couch, blowing the inflatable up. Now it was time to wake you up.

So, quietly and slowly, Rake slipped the large cockroach on his side of the bed. Then he set a timer on your phone, waited till it beeped making you groan tiredly.

You sleepily reached to turn it off but didn't see your phone. So, you rolled to your other side only to cry out and back away till you fell on the floor.

Rake laughed while you looked at the large inflatable cockroach, sitting under the blanket and scoffed. "What the fuck!"

He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry but I saw it at the store and couldn't help myself."

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