First Encounter - Part Two

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Ticci Toby-

You groaned as you didn't want to go home from the store. It was too tiring and you didn't want to do it. You continued to trudge your way to your house till someone had completely run into you. The two of you tumbled to the ground and you groaned, feeling the heavy body on your's. "Man, can you get off?" You asked quietly, only getting a small laugh. You raised a brow, staring at the mouthguard and goggles he was wearing. "Bro, you alright?" You asked before yelling out when he suddenly helped you up.

"S-Sorry! Sorry!" He laughed, dusting you off. "R-Running l-late!" You raised a brow at how hyper he was but didn't complain. "Just slow down or we might run into each other again." He nodded and patted your head.

"Toby! What the hell are you doing now!"

The boy seemed to start laughing before waving. "See you later, (M/N)!" You continued to walk, two guys dress oddly ran pass making you chuckle. "Wow, I probably shouldn't get into that." Then you remembered what Toby said and instantly was confused. "How did he know my name?"

Eyeless Jack-

You stared at the dead body with slight disgust and leaned to your friend. "Where the hell did they get a body?" He leaned back and snickered. "Better than frogs." You nodded in agreement before watching them cut into the male. "Geez, this is slightly gross." Dave nodded, looking. "It looks like this guy was cut into already. It's says he's missing a kidney."

"What makes you say that?" You asked, raising a brow. "The scar by his kidney area." You looked closely before seeing it. "Holy shit. I bet a cannibal took it." He said, hitting you with hid elbow. You both snickered before someone cleared their throat.

"Who are you two?"

You both laugh nervously before running out the door, hearing loud and angry yelling. "You go home! I'll take it from here!" You shouted and he nodded, laughing as he ran to an elevator.

You ran down the hall and hid in the Janitor's closet for who knows how long. Just sat there and waiting, playing on your phone for a few hours till you noticed there was barely anyone. So, you snuck out, looked around before walking around boredly, looking for your dad.

That was till someone in a black hoodie was walking into a room. They seemed a bit suspicious and you followed them to see it was a room where there was a patient who was sleeping. Closing the door quietly, you watched as they person just rolled the patient to their side and the sight of their scalpel made you froze. Just as they were about to cut into the person, your phone starts to ring.

"Shit!" You cursed, trying to shut your phone. After you did, it seemed to be too late since the guy was now in front of you. You laughed nervously, staring at his blue mask. "Uh..." You gulped before scrambling off your feet. That didn't work since they grabbed your shirt and shoved down.

"I'm just here for kidneys. Don't cause a scene." He said, his scalpel in view.

You blinked before hesitantly nodding. "Right. Like that's totally normal to steal kidneys in a hospital." You said, sarcasm clear in your voice. "Wait, you stole the kidney from that one guy earlier." They seemed taking aback and before he could say anything, footsteps were nearing the door. He seemed to have a back up plan since he grabbed you and pulled you into the bathroom. You both listened to the door open and someone walking in, talking quietly.

"Who are you?" You whispered, arms crossed. He leaned against the door, looking to the side. "Eyeless Jack. Not that it matters." You both were waiting till they left and waited longer. Once Eyeless opened the door, you took the chance to run.

Homicidal Liu-

You looked around, trying to meet with your friend but he wasn't anywhere. So, you had no choice but to call and ask where he was. As it was ringing, you walked back and forth till someone grabbed you and pulled you into an alley. Slammed against the wall, your phone dropped and you were about to shout before seeing a knife in the light. Your eyes widened and you gasped when it was thrust into the wall by your head. You looked at the culprit and saw the scarf and then the stitches. "H-Hey..." You cursed yourself for stuttering and shuddered when the knife blade started to slowly go across your cheek.

"He reminds me of a small bunny. He does, doesn't he?" You hissed in pain as blood started to stream down your cheek. You let out a shuddering breath before seeing the knife trail to your chest. You felt him nudge it, feeling it pierce your flesh and whimpered. Then it disappeared. You watched as the knife moved back a bit and as if on cue, you moved before it could stab your chest and ended up with a cut on your arm.

Grabbing your phone from the ground, you bolted out of the alleyway. You pressed a hand to your bleeding arm and looked at you phone to see the call with your friend, ongoing. You ended and sent a message how you canceled. You looked back slightly and shuddered. "A small bunny? Me?"

Laughing Jack-

"Can you help me, please?"

You stared at the dirtied girl, the blood, and her pink dress as she held her bear. "Uh, where are you hurt?" You asked, bending down to her level. She shook her head and held her bear closer. "I can't find my friend." You hummed quietly, standing up straight. "What do they look like?" You asked, holding your hand out. The few people at the park was ignoring her so, you decided to help. Not like you mind either, she was a little girl.

"His name is Laughing Jack. He's a tall clown with claws! Also black and white!" She said, holding your hand. You mentally groan at the thought of a clown, an imaginary friend clown. "I see. Well, you can get on my shoulders and look for him that way." You suggested, walking. "Why are you helping me?" She asked, looking down. You raised a brow before shrugging. "You're a kid. I can't exactly ignore ya at this time of night. Now, you gonna get on my shoulders or not?"

She perked up and smiled widely. "Yes! Maybe we'll find him faster!" She squealed. You hummed, picking her up and put her on your shoulders. "What's your name, kid?" You asked, walking. "Sally! What about you, mister?" You hummed, holding her legs to make sure she doesn't fall. "(M/N), now tell me about your friend Laughing Jack."

She giggled and started to about the clown in so much detail that you were starting to doubt the guy was imaginary. Then she rambled on more, the two of you ignoring the weird looks you were getting. "He even likes candy! Any kind!" You perked at the word candy and chuckled. "I love candy. I could tell I like the guy already. You seem to like him, yeah?"

"He's my best friend in the mansion! We were having fun till we got lost in the crowd..." You noticed the sound of her being down and itched your chin. "We'll find him, Sally. Don't worry." She giggled and played with your hair. "Thank you!" It seemed like awhile of walking around the park but you still didn't see anyone looking around. She didn't yelled or say anything yet, so you let her play with your hair

Just when you were about to say something, she started to squeal. "Lj!! Over here!" You gave a quiet hum before setting her down on her feet. Then she bolted down the sidewalk into a large person's arms. When you looked more, it was the perfect description of the Laughing Jack she was talking about.

"Oh, kiddo! You're okay! I was so worried!" He yelled, hugging her.

Just as you were about to walk away quietly, the back of your shirt was grabbed the back of your shirt pulling you back, into a nearby vending machine.

"You didn't touch her wrong, right?" Lj growled, narrowing his eyes. "Ljjjjj, he didn't! He helped!" Sally yelled. You gulped, patting his shoulder. "Yeah. She was lost. Couldn't let her wander alone."

His face instantly changed with a wide smile. "Thanks, kiddo! I was worried sick about her! Here!" He took your hand and dropped a few pieces of candy into your hand. "Sorry about that. She's a little girl and it's nights. I know she can handle herself but it's still a fear." You gave a nod. "I understand. Don't worry about it." You smiled, stuffing the candy into your pocket.

"Come on, kiddo. Time to go home." Lj said, picking up Sally. She giggled and waved at you. "Bye, Mister (M/N)!" You gave a small wave. "Bye, Sally, Laughing Jack."

You started to walk home humming a quiet tune. 'He wasn't imaginary.'

A/N- Yep, hope you got here. If so, hope you loved part two! I'm just gonna lay back and do my best.

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