Wearing His Clothes

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You grumbled tiredly, sitting up, looking around. "What time is it?" You looked for your tall boyfriend to not see him anywhere and groaned, flopping onto your stomach. "Where's my tall boyfriend?" You laid for a few moments before getting up and stretching. "I didn't bring any extra clothes." You looked at your plain white t-shirt and sweats and looked at Slender's closet.

"Hm. It's basically calling for me." A grin made it to your face and a moment later, you were laughing at how big Slender's collar shirt was on you. "He's so tall!" After laughing, you folded the sleeves before yelling out when a hand was on your shoulder.

Turning around, Slender was behind you, head tilted. "What are you doing?" You bit your lip, hands behind your back. "I was, uh, looking for my clothes and such." He hummed. "You're a bit too small for my shirt." You snorted and crossed your arms. "I don't care. I like it! It's so nice to wear and its so comfortable!" You hugged yourself, while he chuckled and hugged you from behind.

"You can keep it if you want." You smiled brightly and cheered. "Yes!" He kissed your cheek making you laugh quietly.

Jeff the Killer-

Jeff had left his hoodie and you couldn't resist the urge to wear it. It was slightly huge but still pretty good fit. "It's comfortable." You muttered, looking at yourself in the mirror. "Huh, I might actually steal this from him." You waved the sleeves that covered your hands and smiled. Even with the blood stains, it was nice hoodie.

"What are you doing?"

You froze and slowly turned to see Jeff with a raised eyebrow. "I'm, uh, cold. I got cold." He chuckled and tugged the sweater. "It's not even that cold, baby." You scoffed and stuffed your hands into the hoodie pocket. "Well, I am. I don't know about you, but I am." He hummed, kissing your nose. "Whatever you say, hun." You blushed and looked away. "I'm taking this for the day, just so you know."

Jeff picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Not like we're going anywhere!" You squeaked and started to hit his back. "Jeff! Put me down!"

BEN Drowned-

"Just gently set it on there..." BEN muttered to himself, slowly setting down the hat on your head as you were sleeping. He was bored and found you sleeping on homework, papers sprawled out, a mathematic book open, and a pencil near your hand. "New lock screen here it comes." He took a quick picture and couldn't help but take a few more, his hat in different positions.

"So adorable." He poked your cheek and you hummed, rubbing where he poked before moving onto your side and going to sleep. "I should get another hat." BEN grinned and kissed your forehead.


You stared at the mask as it sat on the bathroom counter before grabbing it and running out quickly. "(M/N)?" You gasped quietly and walked to the door. "Uh, yeah?"

"Can you get my jacket? It's downstairs." You chuckled and put the mask on. "Yeah! No problem." You went downstairs and searched for Masky's jacket. It sat on the couch and you grinned. "Let's have some fun."

After Masky was done with his shower, he noticed two things weren't there. His mask and the requested jacket. "(M/N), have you seen my mask?" He walked down the stairs and saw you in his mask and jacket. Before he could say anything, you raise a hand and let out a loud 'whoo'.

"Toby, get your ass over here! Hoodie, good job, man. Let's go get some cheesecake later. Hey, boss! Wait, is it Slenderp?" You muttered before feeling arms wrap around your waist. "Having fun?" Masky asked, poking your stomach. You laughed nervously before feeling him started to tickle you. "Haha! M-Masky! Stop!"


Hoodie left his hoodie and gloves on your bed while he went to make a quick trip to the mansion, which left you to have a bit of fun. You stood in front of the bathroom mirror and played with the hood as it was up. Placing a gloved hand on your chest, you snickered. "It so warm! No wonder he likes it so much!"

You took the gloves off and stuffed them into your back pocket before jumping into bed. Let's say, Hoodie came back to see you asleep in his hoodie. "Aww, my lil cutie." He couldn't help but take a picture, so he could tease you later.

Ticci Toby-

"Here, here, here." Toby handed you his mouth guard and goggles. You looked at the two items before humming quietly. "Ready?" He nodded and you put the mouth guard on, then the googles. He hummed quietly before fiddling your hair and smiles widely. "There you go! It works!"

You stood on your bed, one arm raised in triumph. "My name is Ticci Toby! I am a proud proxy of the Slenderman and have two cool co-workers!" You shouted before yelping when Toby pinched your butt. "Hey! That hurt!" You rubbed your butt as he laughed, holding his phone, recording your little acting scene. "That yelp was so cute!" You whined and tried taking his phone. "Delete it!" You begged.

Eyeless Jack-

"(M/N), what are you doing?"

You laughed nervously, looking at Ej as he stood arms crossed, shirtless. "I was, uh, cleaning my room and, um." You paused seeing Ej in front of you. "I was curious." You muttered, looking to the side, playing with the ends of the black hoodie sleeves. He watched you fumble and play with the sleeves before sighing. "You're just so cute." He muttered, moving the mask off to the side of your face. You stuck your tongue out. "So what! I wouldn't mind keeping this!"

He hummed, pointing to his pocket. "Check the pocket." You raised a brow, not feeling anything in there till you dung your hands into the hoodie pocket and felt plastic. "Pull it out." He said, sitting on your bed with a chuckle. Slowly pulling it out, you came face to face with two kidneys. "OK, that's gross but." You paused, poking the organs in the bag. "That's just awesome." He shook his head as you sat beside him,  curiously looking at the organ.

Homicidal Liu-

The two tried not laughing at you as you shook your head in irritation. "Why? Why am I doing this for you guys?" You asked, playing with the scarf and their coat. "What's wrong, bunny? Something wrong?" They pulled you towards them and you scoffed with a small grin, wrapping the scarf around his neck. "I would say, this suits you more. Except the shirt. I'm keeping the shirt."

"I wonder what you would look like without your clothes and just the jacket." Sully said, tugging your shirt. You groaned, shoving their face away as they laughed. "Go away." You took a glance to see a pouting Liu/Sully. Closing your eyes, you grumbled. "Fine, fine, I'll do it in the future but not now."

"Yay! Love you, (M/N)!" They cheered, hugging you. "I spoil you two way too much." You muttered, tugging their brown hair. "You love us though, right?" You pretended to think. "If I get to keep some of your shirts then yes. You are absolutely right. I love you two cuties forever." You kissed their nose. "You use us?"

"Never. I would never." They smiled kissing your nose. "By the way, can you get into a sexy position. I want a new home screen." You sighed, patting your lover's cheeks. "Adorable."

Laughing Jack-

You grumbled quietly, sitting in the lump of clothes of Lj's. "This isn't going as plan. How can someone be this tall!" You groaned falling back onto Lj's bed. Bored out of your mind. "Wait." You grinned, looking into his closet. "I wonder what I will find in here."

Walking to the closet, you opened it with a wide grin and found some pajamas. "I wonder what will happens if I borrowed these tonight." You looked at the black and white striped shirt and the black pajama pants with little candies on it. "He wears such cute pajamas." You bit you lip before stripping. What you didn't know was Lj came back early and walked in just after you put on the candy pants.

Now, you both were staring each other before he snorted, trying to hold back laughter. "You're so small." You gasped and threw your shirt at him. "Be nice, asshole!" You put on the striped shirt and huffed. "Well, you just seem to be small in my pajamas." You pulled the pant legs up and groaned. "Why do you have to be so damn tall?"

"Psh. I'm just awesome and you're twisted."

"You're nose is a bit more twisted."

"Wah! Why do you say that!"

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