Offenderman - Part One

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"I hope you can walk home!"

You laughed and waved, back bumping into the doorframe. "Of course I am!" You shouted, waving to the bartender before walking out.

"I'm gonna call a cab!" The bartender yelled.

"I'm ok!" You waved your hand with a laugh, walking. You stretched with a small moan and sighed, digging into your pocket got your keys. "No more drinking, just gonna home and sleep. Should I?" You questioned, throwing your keys up and down as you walked.

It was just a nice night to go for a couple drinks, talk with a bartender, just relaxing from all schoolwork and work.

"Man! I feel good!" You shouted before noticing something wrong. Your keys weren't jingling. Looking, you didn't see your keys. "Oh, no, no, no!" You looked on the ground and around before groaning loudly.

You sighed and started to retrace your steps, staring at the ground before hearing keys jingle and feet in front of you.

"Are you looking for these?" A male asked making you look up and come face to face with your keys. "Holy crap, you are fucking awesome." You grabbed your keys before cheering. "Thank you!"

You took in the taller male's appearance, a caught sight of his bare chest through his jacket. "Either you're a stripper or you had a fun night."

"Let's say my night could've been funner."

You hummed with a nod, trying to get a glimpses of his face but looks like your just getting his mouth. "Well, I hope you have a better night. Thank you, uh..."


With a small laugh, you nodded. "Offenderman. Nice fedora, keeps mystery going."

He hummed before holding a rose out. "Hey, would you like a rose?" He questioned making you tilt your head as you smiled a bit.

"It's a nice rose, very cliche." You said making him chuckle. "I don't see or hear you objecting though." He said and you got a small glimpse of what was hiding under the fedora's shadow. No eyes. Probably your imagination.

"Nope." You plucked the rose from his hand and bowed dramatically, stumbling a bit. "Thank you, wonderful, wonderful man or I hope a man." You laughed before turning and walking home.

Then you were cursing the sun that was shining through your curtains. Lifting your hand to block out most of it, you rolled onto your other side. After a few seconds, you sat up, rubbing your temple at the pounding in your head. Then you lifted your blanket before dropping it and laying back with a sigh.

"I fucking hate myself."

The sunlight then invaded again making you groan. "Curtains." So, with a tired groan, you got up and put some shorts on before closing the curtains. "Worst hangover ever."

You ruffled your hair as you walked to your kitchen, noticing a rose laying on your counter. "What the fuck?" You mumbled before shrugging and going for coffee.


You stared at your drink, laying on your arm before sighing loudly. "Hey, dude."

"Oh, no. You're thinking deeply, aren't you?" (F/N) said as he walked to you. "Maybe you aren't drunk enough."

Waving your hand, you huffed. "Nope, I am restraining to one drink! Maybe." You said before grinning as you pointed at him. "Can I come over tonight?"

"Sorry, I am unavailable."

You whined, hand over your chest. "That stung. It did." Then you leaned against you hand, playing with your glass. "I've been weird lately. Do you realize I've been studying and working without feeling like I'm half dead inside!"

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