You're Drunk

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"I won that contest!" You slurred, leaning against Slender as he led you to the car. "Yes, yes, I believe you."

You clinged to his side as you stumbled a bit but Slender was able to get you sat down in the back seat of your car. Slender got a call from your friend saying you were drunk. You had a drinking contest with another and it was a draw.

Slender opened a water bottle and gave it to you. "Here, some water." You nodded and started to drink while he sighed. "Wow, a draw."

You hummed and gave him you water bottle. He closed it and nodded. "Lets get you home." He said making you wave a dismissive hand. "Yeah, yeah."

Once he got you settle in the back seat, he got into the front. Then his phone went off. He pulled it out and saw a message from you.

Sweetheart: where are you?

Slender turned to you and saw your phone in hand. "M/N, I'm right here." He said and you looked at him before smiling. "Hi."

He chuckled. "Hi."

Jeff the Killer-

You stumbled through the door and closed it as quietly as possible. You didn't know if Jeff was there or not but you were being nice. Then you sat yourself down, taking your shoes off before attempting to find your room.

That was till you tripped and faceplanted into the ground.

Jeff woke up with a small groan and slowly sat up. "Who's there?" He asked. He fell asleep on the couch, waiting to see what you were like drunk.

"No one! Fuck off!"

"M/N?" He questioned as he got off the couch and turned on the light. You got onto your hands and knees. Jeff raised a brow but yawned and stood in front of you. "I'll help you."

You mumbled something as you grabbed his hands. "Thank y-" Then you got sick. Not on him but the ground.

Jeff backed up a bit, gagging a bit. "Crap.."

"That was unexpected.." You mumbled. Jeff gave a strained smile and helped you to bed.

He wasn't happy about cleaning the mess up.

BEN Drowned-

BEN watched as you spun around in your chair mindlessly. He saw a couple bottles of some alcohol and chuckled. "Are you drunk?"

You stopped spinning and looked at him. "Huh?"

"Are you drunk?" He asked again making you shake your head. BEN hummed a little before standing in front of you, hands holding your flushed cheeks. "Are you lying to me?"

You stared at him before nodding. "Yeah."

He laughed and kissed your nose. "Okay, how much did you have?"

"All the way to heaven." You answered, pointing up. "Well, to the ceiling, I guess."

"How many fingers am I holding?" He asked, holding up two fingers. You narrowed your eyes at his fingers. "Four fingers and two BENs." You grabbed his fingers with a small pout.

"That sounds fun."

BEN laughed and shook his head. "No. Two fingers and one me." Then he glanced behind you, at your computer, and chuckled. "What's that?"

You lazily covered the screen. "A gift for sober me! Overnight!"

BEN laughed as he thought about your reaction tomorrow. You weren't gonna be happy with him but he wanted to see your reaction.

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