He's Drunk

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Staying up was not on your agenda but Offender texted you and asked you to stay up till he gets home. Right now, you were ready to smack him.

So, while you were watching TV, your boyfriend stumbles in, laughing to himself, and looking human. You raise a brow and paused your movie, turning to him as he put a hand on the wall to steady himself.

"Hey, baaabe~" He slurred before yelping when he tripped on his own feet faceplanted on the floor. You bit your laugh and looked down on him.

"You okay?"

He rolled onto his back and smiled. "Totally."

With a small nod, you tossed the couch pillow at him. "Do you realize how late it is! I'm tired! Is there a reason you texted me but got drunk?" You asked making him snort.

"I'm not fuc-" He covered his mouth as he hiccupped then cleared his throat. "I'm not fucking drunk."

"What time is it?" You asked, holding your phone to it. He stared at your phone before scoffing. "It isn't that late. It's eleven."

You look at your phone and raised a brow before snorting. "You know what, you have the couch. It's one in the morning, dumbnut." You said, turning off the TV and going to your room.

Offender laid on the ground before eventually getting up and flopping on the couch.


Apparently, Hoodie came to your place, saw some alcohol and decided to relax a little. It was a long day anyway, he wanted to end it with a kick.

Well, you came home to see him in front of the open fridge with a bag of stick-on googly eyes. You were listening to him singing, a bit sluggishly.

"Hoodie, what are you doing?" You asked, setting your backpack down. Hoodie said something your couldn't hear and held up the ketchup bottle that was in hand.

You laughed a little and glanced into the fridge and covered your mouth, trying not to laugh more. There was googly eyes on your drinks, containers, everything. It was so weird looking but so funny seeing it.

Then there was Hoodie, sitting criss cross, in front of the fridge, and singing whatever came to mind. Eventually, everything in the fridge had googly eyes and he moved away from the fridge.

"Are you done?" You asked and he nodded with a small pout. "They're all covered." You laughed a little and patted the couch cushion. "Want to watch some TV?" You asked and he immediately sat next to you, head resting on your shoulder.

"Whatever is on TV looks good." He said and you raised a brow, looking at the turned off TV. "It's off."

Hoodie gave a small 'huh' and stared at the TV before laughing at himself. "I thought there was something on TV."

You blinked a couple times before pointing at the TV. "Like what?"

He shrug. "I don't know. I thought I saw someone." You nod slowly, turning on the TV then looked behind you, making sure nobody was there.

Hoodie went from really adorable to scary.

Laughing Jack-

"Lj, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna tape your mouth." You said, making Lj whine, tugging the cart. "But I don't want to be at the store! I wanna go home and drink more and eat more candy!"

You had to take care shopping but at the same time, Lj was drunk and eating candy. You honestly didn't want to see what would happen if he kept going at it.

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