Lazy Days

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Your's truly is back with laziness in the bones.

XD As far as I know, we all can be lazy when we want to.

Kind of. I tend to fall asleep when being lazy...meh

SoooOooo, here you all go. If you skeletons are even up lol



Since this man has a thing for working whenever, lazy days with him are kinda rare. So, when he comes over and just flops onto your couch with a long deep sigh, you can't help but raise a brow.

"You OK?" You asked, looking down at him as he loosened his tie and threw his arm over where his eyes would be.

"Do you have any plans today?" He asked, leg propping on the arm of the couch. You shook your head. "Not really."

"Now, you do. You are gonna lay here with me. No work. No schoolwork. No nothing. Not even a freaking phone call. All of it can go straight to voicemail." He stated. You tried your best to not laugh since he almost sounded like a teenager. "Wow, OK, uh, I take it you have had enough of your work?"

Slender gave a nod. "Yes, now, come on. I know you love lazy days and watching all of those horrors, even if it scares you.."

You seemed to think before nodding. "You got a point."

"Of course I do." He grabbed your arm and made you lay next to him. Then grabbed the remote, putting it in your hands. You laughed quietly, shaking your head as you turned on the TV.

Jeff the Killer-

The second your alarm went off for a few seconds, Jeff quickly sat up and turned it off, hoping you weren't waking up. To his dismay, you groaned and started to slowly sit up but he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you down with him as he laid.

"No, no, no, no, we are gonna sleep and not leave this bed." He whispered into your ear making you moan tiredly. "Jeff, I got to get up." You mumbled, already curling up against him. "I got classes to get to."

He hummed, hand rubbing your back. "You can skip for the day and go tomorrow." He kissed your temple making you hum quietly. "One day isn't bad." You muttered, falling back to sleep.

After waking up a couple hours later, you didn't regret anything.

BEN Drowned-

BEN watched from your bed as you typed for a bit on your laptop, music playing from your headphones as you sat with a blanket over your shoulders, and moving side to side on your wheelie chair. "Wow, prepared for some school assignment?" He questioned with a chuckle. You hummed in confusion before moving the headphones from your ears. "What?"

"Preparing for a school assignment?" He asked, laying on his side, phone out, recording you.

Looking at the computer then him, you shrugged. "I guess. I only got a couple paragraphs done." You mumbled tiredly, stopping you half-spinning and picking up your phone. He was confused. "You've been there about an hour and only got a couple paragraphs? What have you been doing, staring?"

You hummed,in thought, cheeks a light pink, and moved your laptop to show him even if he didn't see. "I've been reading yaoi."


You nodded, moving it back. "I'm just gonna read some smut and ignore the essay for a bit." He blinked before gasping. "You're being lazy without me!?"

"You've been on my bed since you got here."

"Oh, yeah."


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