Body Switch

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Eyeless Jack- 

The sound of vibrating made you groan and bury your face into your pillow, ignoring it. When it stopped, you sighed in content and started to doze off till the vibrating started again. With a tired groan, you sat up and rubbed your face with one hand while the other patted the bed for your phone.

"It's my day off..." You muttered, finding your phone and swiped to answer. "Hello?" You mumbled, blinking a couple times.


You laughed a little and rubbed your eyes. "Ej, your voice sounds weird." You said, trying to focus your eyes but it was just weird. You could see but you couldn't. "Man, I can't see right, babe."

"That's because we switched bodies." Ej stated, making your snort. "Yeah, right." You said, glancing around your room before raising a brow. "Wait..." You pulled the phone away from your ear and saw your Caller ID. "Ej, we switched bodies?"

"Yes, we did. Something tells me you just woke up." 

You laughed sheepishly and rubbed your neck. "Hah, you got me."

Ej snorted then looked at himself in the mirror. "Well, I'll be over there in a bit. Just stay put." He said, tilting his head. "God, it's weird seeing like this again..." He whispered to himself, opening his mouth and stuck his tongue out. 

"Alrighty, will do. Love you!" 

He tried not cringe at the way you said that with his voice. By the way you went quiet, he had a feeling you were thinking about the same thing. "M/R-"

"Oh my god. That sounded so weird!" You laughed as Ej shook his head. "I'll see you in a bit, M/R." He said, gently pulling his lower eyelid down and scoffed quietly.

It sounded like you were trying not to laugh but failed "You make me sound so weird with your tone." Then you laughed quietly. "I guess we'll figure this out later."

He hummed. "We will, so just stay there and don't do anything weird. I love you." He said, making you snort. "Yes sir, will do, love you too~." You sang and hung up with a small laugh, Ej chuckling a little at your response.



You hummed tiredly and pulled your blanket closer to ignore your boyfriend.

"M/R, you need to wake up." Zalgo said, nudging your shoulder a couple times. You groaned and scooted away from him. "I don't wanna..." You whined.

Zalgo sighed deeply, wishing he would never have to hear himself say it that way. "Well, then, you give me no choice." He said, walking to the foot of the bed then grabbed your blanket. "Wake up!" Then yanked the blanket right off you.

You lay still for a moment before you groaned loudly and sat up. "Really! I'm tryin-oh god!" You shouted, staring at, well, yourself.

"Yeah, not God." Zalgo said with a strained smile. 

You stared at him for a good minute then laughed nervously. "Is this you? Cause this isn't really funny." You stated, slowly moving off your bed. Zalgo shook his head with his hands on his hips. "Nope, not me. Very much not me."

Clearing your throat, you stood in front of him and exhaled sharply. "Wow, this even weirder than seeing a clone of myself."

"It's very weird seeing you basically wear my skin."

"Hey! Not like I want to." 

Both of you stared at each other before Zalgo grinned, covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "Imagine the trouble I can cause as yourself."

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