Jason the Toymaker - Part One

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"Why me?" You muttered, looking at your phone then the street signs. "How did I get here!?" You exclaim, not caring for the looks people gave you.

You groan and rub your eyes before looking at your phone again.

"Are you lost?"

You jumped and looked around till you saw a maroon haired male in front of you with a small smile. You gulped before nodding. "I hate to admit it but yeah."

"Where are you going?" He asked and you smiled in relief. "A toy store. I have to get a gift."

His eyes brightened a little bit. "Really?"

"Toy fan?" You asked.

He chuckled. "Toymaker, actually."

"Really?" You rubbed your neck. "Wow, well, if you have an recommendations for a little girl, I'm open for suggestions..."


You smile a little. "M/R."

Jason hummed. "Well, for a little girl, I actually think I have something." He said, glancing at the bag in his hand. You blinked before gasping. "Really?"

He chuckled and nodded. "I just got done fixing it." He dug through the white bag before holding a stuffed bunny to you. "You think this is good?"

"Good?" You scoff with a grin. "Its great. Its adorable and I can see her playing with this." You said with a smile as you admired the bunny's long ear that rested in one hand. "Thank you!"

Jason gave a close eyes smile. "I hope she admires it as much as you do."

You nodded before laughing nervously. "Are you sure? You said you just got Mr. Bunny fixed. Let me pay at least."

He waved his hand as he started to walk. "It's alright."

With a small scoff, you looked at the bunny. "Lucky me." You mumbled.


You stare at the stuffed bunny in your hands before sighing loudly. "She forgot about you, Mr. Bunny." You mumbled, rubbing your neck.

(L/SN) had her birthday, presents and left later in the day. Leaving you with some trash and a few toys, including the stuff bunny.

"I'm sure she'll remember you tomorrow." You said, setting it down on your desk before flopping onto your bed. You hum contently and before you realized it, you fell asleep.

A thump woke you up making you groan and open one eye. "What the hell?" With a small glance, you noticed the stuffed bunny on the ground. "What?"

Rubbing your eyes, you got up and sighed loudly. "What time is it?" You mumbled, picking up the bunny. With a tired deep breath, you set the bunny on your desk again and patted it's head.

"Stay." You rubbed your face, going to the kitchen for a snack. What made you woke you up quicker was the faint footsteps somewhere by your room. Gulping quietly, you grab the closest thing you could find, which was a broom, and slowly walked to your room.

You patted your pockets for your phone before realizing you didn't have it. You left it in your room where it was charging. A small crash interrupted your thoughts. Slowly peeking into your room, you saw a guy with familiar red hair.

Then you heard him mumble something before turning to the door. You moved away quickly but you were grabbed by your shirt was grabbed and pulled in.

"Where's your sister?" Jason asked, confused and irritated, his eyes glowing green, not the honey color like you remember.

"Like I'll tell you, creep!" You answered but yelped when your back hit the wall. "Hey! She's not here! Why do you want her!"

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