Kagekao - Part One

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"  bloop " = this means in a different language.

So, since Kagekao tends to speak Japanese at first, this is what you'll see. Mostly because I'm scared Google Translation is gonna give me the wrong thing lmao.

Enjoy Part One!!



Laying back on your couch, you sighed deeply, glad that your drunk friends are finally going home. They decided to come over to chat, drink a little, and work on a few school assignments. They had more than just a 'little' and planned that. The few who didn't drink, were designated drivers.

You glanced at the few bottles of wine that were on the coffee table and grumbled quietly. "I'll put those away in a bit." You pulled your phone out, playing a few games.

You didn't realize you went to sleep till there a crash woke you up. Getting off the couch slowly, you rubbed your eyes before glancing around. You did raise a brow at the missing bottles of wine.

"Okay..." You muttered quietly, moving off the couch and look around for what crashed. So far, everything looked good till you got to the kitchen. You saw some dishes on the ground, few glasses broken. Confused, you started to clean up, looking for a reason on how it all fell.

(Unless you got pets. Pets are assholes sometimes lmao)

Well, after cleaning everything up, you gave the counter one last glance but it took you a second to realize something was on the counter. So, you slowly turned around to see a person, sitting with their head tilted, one of your missing wine bottles next to him.

If that wasn't disturbing enough, they were wearing a mask where one side was black and the other was white. A white eye shape and a smile were on the black side but not on the white side.

"Hello?" You questioned,

"Do you want to play?" They said, making you flinch.

Backing away slowly, you looked from the mask to his scarf to the black cat like claws on his hand. "I'm just gonna leave you to dr-"

"I want you to play!" He said, small laughter following, making you nod slowly. "Okay, whatever you say." You said, gulping.

The male hopped off the counter and you went running for your phone. As you were dialing 911, you were expecting to hear footsteps follwing you but there wasn't. It was quiet till there was knocking on your door making you gasp.

"Hello? Mr. (L/N)? Is everything okay?"

Going straight to door, you were surprised when you opened the door to see police officers. "I was about...to call you guys."

Turns out, your neighbor saw someone climb through your window and called the police.


"Who sends their son this much wine?" You looked at the small box that had a few bottles of wine and sighed loudly. "I don't need this much wine!"

You laid back on the ground and sprawled out with your eyes closed. After the visit from the strange masked person, you felt like you've been going crazy. Seeing something at the corner of your eye but nothing there. The wine your mom sends goes missing.

A noise made you snap your eyes open and look to the side to see the same male from before, sitting at your windowsill with your missing wine glass and wine bottle.

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