Catching You Cry + Comforting You

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The moment you got home, you dropped everything by the door and sighed shakily, rubbing your eyes to avoid any crying or tears welling up. Then you saw Offender on the couch, hat covering his face, and in what looked like his pajamas. You sniffed and walked to his sleeping form before moving on top of him, legs on either side of him, and laid your head on his chest.

He seemed to wake up since he chuckled quietly. "Long day?" He asked, making you hum. He kissed your head and set his hat aside. "Well, let me help y..." Offender paused what he was saying when he cupped your cheek and felt wetness. He was startled to see tears going down your cheeks. "M/R, what happened?" He asked, using his sleeve to clean your cheeks. 

"I just had a frustrating day." You said quietly and sniffed. "I'm just not in the mood today. I'm sorry." Offender sat up a little and leaned against the arm of the couch, cupping your cheeks. "Hey, don't apologize. I was only messing around." He said, seeing you close your eyes as tried to hold any tears. 

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, forehead against your's. You gripped his shirt and sighed. "Just hold me as I try to clear my head a little."

Offender hummed with a small nod. "Works for me." He said. You nodded and laid your head on his chest, feeling him run his hand down your back, up to your neck, playing with your hair a bit then down you back again. You melted under his touch and sighed quietly, already feeling a little better.


Hoodie is never surprise if you were crying. You never really hid the fact from him. It always depended on why you were crying that got to him. Today, it worried him. He got back early from his business,  to see you on the floor in the living room, sniffling and crying. "M/R!" He rushed beside you, taking your hand into his. You grabbed him and hugged him tightly, your cries not ceasing. 

"M/R, what happened? Was I gone that long?" He asked, managing to pull from the hug. You sniffled and looked at what you were wearing. A suit with the few buttons on top undone, and your tie just hanging on your neck. "You missed a funeral." You said, slurring just a bit making him raise a brow. "Are you drunk?" He asked, looking around to see an alcohol bottle next to you. "Oh, M/R." He said but you shook your head, ruffling your hair.

"I just wanted to...cry and drink a little. Sooo, I did." You closed your eyes, sniffling a bit. Hoodie sighed a little before standing up. "Let's get you to bed." Hoodie held his hand out to you which you looked at before grabbing it. He helped you to your feet only to say a small 'woah' as you started to sway. "Okay then." He muttered, picking you up and carrying you bridal.

"You could've called." Hoodie said but you poked his chest. "You were busy but since your here...don't go..for awhile." You muttered making him quiet but he nodded. "Yeah, I won't leave for awhile." He said, kissing your forehead.

You sniffled as the tears started to well up the go down your cheek. "I'm n-never gonna see them a-again." You cried, grabbing his shoulder. "Don't worry, M/R, just cry if you need to." He whispered into your ear. "I'm here for you."

Laughing Jack-

You felt something on the blanket making you sniff and move the blanket a little to see a small stuff animal. You looked to the side to see your boyfriend who was smiling sweetly. "Hey." He said.

With a small sniffle, you went back under the blanket and rolled onto your side. Lj watched you face away from him and he shook his head. Then you reached out of the blanket and grabbed the stuff animal, taking it into the blanket.

"Hey, want me to come in?" He asked, poking your back. You grumbled something he didn't understand. He waited a few moments, sulking a little till you lifted the blanket. He gasped and happily and got under the blanket, hugging you from behind.

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