Meeting Again

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(A/n- Ya there? Nice! Here's when you see the weirdos again! Enjoy!)


You tapped your pencil on your desk, trying to figure out what to do next. You finished the rest of the work your teacher gave you and was waiting for them to come back. After waiting, you finally got up and looked around, feeling an intense stare on you. You glanced around before looking at the window. "Am I being stalked?" You grabbed a chair and pulled it towards the window and stood on it. Then opened it, looking your head out.


You gasped at the sudden yell and hit your head. Then the chair started to move, making you gasp again. Preparing to fall, you closed your eyes tightly. When the fall never came, you opened one eye to see yourself in someone's arms. You looked at them before blushing. Shaggy white hair, pale skin, and light-colored eyes.

"You alright?"

"You're hot," you blurted out. He chuckled as he set you on your feet. "I wanted to thank you." You blinked before rubbing your neck. "I should be saying that."

They tilted their head before gasping. "Oh, I'm Slenderman. You helped me about a week ago." You gasped loudly and stared at him. "What? Are you really?" You asked and he nodded. "Yeah. I broke your lamp."

"(M/N)!! Are you OK!?" You both turned to the door to see Chad panting. Slender raised a brow before holding a piece of paper to you. "Let me know if you want anything in return." He flashed a smile before walking out.

Chad let Slender out before looking at you. "(M/N)?" You looked at the piece of paper before blinking. "Man, you ok?" You nodded and rubbed your head. "Yeah, got his number."

"Hah! Gay!" He shouted before running out as you followed with a irritated look.

Jeff the Killer-

"What are you doing?"

A yelp escaped your lips and you fell over with a thud. You groaned quietly before staring up and saw the smiling boy. Your breath hitched and just as you were about to sit up, he stepped on your shoulder, stopping you. "Ah, ah, ah, I need to know where my knife is." You stuck your tongue out. "Bite me." He glared down at you and pressed harder on your shoulder making you yelp. "Spit it out or I could kill you now. The bruise around your neck should tell what I can do." You gritted your teeth as he bent down, rubbing his fingers on your neck. "Where's my knife?" You glared. "Under the bed." You said and gasped, feeling the relief of your shoulder. You backed against your door watching him. He pointed it at you before smirking widely and ran towards you. Your eyes widened and you moved to the side.

When you felt nothing, you looked and saw his knife embedded into your door. You gulped when he chuckled darkly. "You're actually quite amusing. The name is Jeff." You gritted your teeth before clenching your fist and bam. Hit him right in the jaw. While he was dazed, you grabbed his hoodie and tossed him out the window. Then the knife on the ground caught your attention.

You looked out and threw it, almost hitting his crotch. "Nice aim!" He shouted making you chuckle. "What do you mean! I missed!" The look on his face made you laugh. "Better luck next time, lover boy!"

BEN Drowned-

You were hesitant to try and play Majora's Mask but gave it a go again. Hoping that everything that happened before was a dream. When the game started, there was a text making your eyes widen, cheeks heating up slightly.

"Hey Cutie~ Back for more?"

You looked at the two answers below and was debating what you should choose. Yes or no? Deciding that you wanted to play, you pushed 'Yes'. It disappeared and the game started to load up. You smiled, ready to play to play till there was another glitch. "Oh, come on." You muttered before seeing a head poke out.

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