First Encounter - Part One

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You hummed quietly, grading paper after paper. The silence in the classroom being interrupted by a small clatter making you jump. You looked around before shaking it off and continued to write.

That was till you looked up and came face to face with a person. Doesn't sound too bad unless this person is faceless. You gave a small yelp before yelling out when you fell backwards in you chair. You groaned quietly at your aching head and glanced up to see a troublemaker of a student, Chad.

"Sorry, teach! Didn't think you would do that!" He helped you up and you gave a pained close eyes smile. "Got me again." He held up the mask with a chuckle. "It's a Slenderman mask." You leaned against your hand with a slight chuckle.

He leaned against your desk and laughed. "Apparently, he lives out in the woods in a mansion. Tall, wears a suit, pale as a ghost, have these tendrils coming from his back, and completely faceless." You gave a small shudder and had a scared smile. "You're scaring me, Chad."

"You get scared so easily. At least I am here to protect you!" He shouted proudly, pointing to himself. You chuckled before rubbing your head. "Get home. I don't want the actual teacher getting another call asking if you're with me." Chad gave a small whine before nodding. "Fine. See you tomorrow, teach."

He ran out the door, giving you a wave. You sighed tiredly and laid your head on the desk. Then as you were about to work again, you realized, you finished grading. "Nice. I can go home," you muttered and got up, grabbing your stuff and locking up.

Your house was nearby so it wasn't much of a problem getting there. So, you just walked down the sidewalk, starting to feel someone's stare burning into your back. You decided to ignore it till there was a loud thump behind you.

You froze and turned around slowly. "Please be a prank..," you muttered as you stared at the black and twitching tentacle. Gulping, you slowly walked to it and followed it to it's owner. You raised a brow when you saw someone on the ground panting.

"Hey, you alright?" You asked, inching towards them worriedly, to see their faceless face, pale skin but was tinted pink, a suit, and even more tentacles. "Oh, crap..."

"I'm...good...just resting..." A voice said and you looked down at them. You gave a small scoff and bent down as he tried to sit up. "If my friends can't lie to me, neither can you." You felt the male's forehead before humming. "You're burning up," you paused, wondering if this was a really good costume or real. "Slenderman?"

He turned his head to you before scoffing. "If you're don't have...t-"

"Shut up. I'll help." You interrupted and you could tell he was surprised. "How should I do this?" He slowly stood up but leaned against a tree. "Too dizzy..."

You grabbed his wrist with a smile. "My house isn't too far. You'll rest there for now." He seemed to stare at you before shaking his head. "My mansion..." You laughed, putting one hand to your hip. "Yeah, not happening."

He gave a sigh. "I'm not gonna win, am I?" You nodded and closed started to tug him before suddenly appearing to be home. "What... I'm ho-" The sound of something shattering interrupted you.

Turning, you saw your lamp on the ground shattered and Slender on the couch, panting. "Sorry..." You shook your head and walked to the kitchen. "Shut up and go to sleep. It's alright." He gave a small hum and you watched as he put an arm over where his eyes would be.

'Doesn't seem so scary...'

Jeff the Killer-

You rubbed your head, closing your history book shut. It was becoming annoying, Staring at the words was just causing a headache. Flopping on the bed, you smiled and snuggled into it. Just as you were about to fall asleep, the sound of your window opening. You pretended to not hear and continued to get comfortable, feeling the bed start to sink by your feet.

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