Part Two : Crazy Ex

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Okay, so, here is part two!

Now meaning of (Ex/N)

(Ex/N) = Ex-Boyfriend's Name



"Wow, he doesn't stop." (Ex/N) said, swiping to decline another call from Offender. "Wonder what his message is gonna be this time." He taunted, making you scoff.

"I don't disappear often." You stated, throwing a bouncy ball at the window then caught it. You were about to throw it again till you heard Offender's voice.

"Hey, its me again. Just wanted to know if you can contact me. Even if its a text message. Did...did I do something wrong? Please, call back. I'm getting worried."

"Offender..." You muttered sadly. You shook your head before scoffing. "He's gonna figure it out eventually." You said, throwing the ball again. "He's not dumb."

"I don't think he's gonna go straight for me unless you mentioned me to him." (Ex/N) said, playing on your phone.

"You don't know Offender..." You muttered quietly.


You tapped the foot cuff on your ankle before glancing at your ex, who was looking out the window. "How long did you know?" You asked making him look at you. "What?"

"You must've figured when I was dating someone. So, how long did you know?" You asked, leaning your head back against the wall.

He shrugged. "Sometime ago, I guess."

"Told you to leave me alone." You said, shaking your head. "Instead, you kidnap me! Why?" You asked, glaring at him.

"Because you are mine! Not his!" He shouted, making his way to you. "Just the mere thought of him touching you..." (Ex/N) shook his head. "It pisses me off."

You looked away from him as he lightly grazed his fingers on your cheek. "Now you're here with me." His hand traveled to your neck, gripping a bit. "Where no one can see or touch you."

Laughing Jack-

"You look nice all collared up like this." (Ex/N) said, tilting his head as he looked at the collar around your neck and pulled you towards him by it. "Maybe I should've done this before you left. A small padlock keeping the collar on."

"Sadistic bastard. What if I scream and shout?" You asked, trying to push him away. "

You flinched when he chuckled lowly as he tilted his head. "Remember what happened last time you did that?" He asked, making your eyes widen as you struggled to make him let go of the collar. "Let go.." You muttered, hand gripping his wrists.

"A clown? Are you serious? The last guy was better than this nut job." He said. "Hell, I'm better than him."

With a small scoff, you managed to get him to let the collar go. "He is way better than you." You said, about to take a step but you couldn't. With a shackle on one foot, you could reach certain places of a room. Not the door.

(Ex/N) chuckled as he made his way to the door. "Limited space, babe. Sorry."

BEN Drowned-

(Ex/N) glanced away from his book to you, seeing you glancing from the TV to his computer to your phone. He cleared his throat getting your attention.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

You played with the corner of the couch cushion that you had on his lap. "He's gonna know where we are..." You said quietly.

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