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        " I was thinking the cover charge should be a hundred a head" Jake stated as he gestured around the massive space. A few months ago before my dad started looking for my house he stated that I needed to start my own bordello. He was done waiting for me and since I wanted to be a man, I couldn't "leach " off of him anymore.   He demanded to see what I could do on my own, to see if I've been playing attention over the years when it came to the tricks of the trade.

             And Jake, he wanted a piece of it, I trusted Jake and that accompanied with the alliance and our friendship it was a easy decision. Once the partnership I have with Dom settled, my name was quickly becoming the name everyone wanted to be connected to.

   The building we purchased was a old hotel, it had a classic vintage look. The space wasn't massive but it was tall with a high ceiling and twenty one floors. The very top floor was intentionally guarded for only us and exclusive VIP guests that were invited. The basement was something entirely different and unless a guest was going to buy one of our workers no one outside of our circle had clearance to go down there.

Velvet was the name of our hotel and it was fitting with the decor. Velvet lined the walls of every floor while glass tile covered the floors throughout the whole building except the rooms. Almost everything was ready except for the second and seventh floors where guests actually could check in and stay here for nights at a time. With a full bar and lounge area on the bottom floor I couldn't help but feel proud.  The women and girls were gorgeous and the guys were pretty boys that would appeal to the female and male customers. I had every race, a variety of legal ages but Jake insisted that I needed some exoticness to match the atmosphere.

Though I gave push back on the subject Jake had a  bombshell from Japan and another from Haiti coming in. He offered to break them in, so it was agreed they were his problem if anything were to happen from this.

I had enough problems already, I finally had my dream girl Mia, but now I needed to figure out how to break things off with Dawn then Hazel, I should have ignored her. Nothing happened with the girl but she was persistent as hell and it was blantly obvious that she wanted money.

"No, we're starting off with thirty that'll get people coming in"

Jake raised an incredulous eyebrow looking over at me with a scoff. " Are you sure that's a-"

" I can't charge what my dad charges straight out the gate, people all over the world know exactly who he is. I'm pretty much unknown. I have to make a name for myself then I'll start raising the prices" I finished with a chuckle as Jake grinned wide.

" I like it-"

He suddenly stopped and pulled out his phone only for his smile to return.

" Yes, the girls are here. Bro are you sure you don't want one?" Jake asked just as he headed towards the garage.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now