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"Wait, what?"

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"Wait, what?"

" Your father is a son of a bitch that's what" my mom spat scowling back at my dad across the table.

" Is that really necessary?" Dad nulled in a uninterested tone.

" You know sometimes I think about getting a another woman and being in a real relationship then I remember this shit comes with it" Tony grinned in amusement gesturing between my mom and dad.

Sighing exhaustedly dad raised a hand for Tony to be quiet.

" Just, don't"

" Well go ahead explain it to your son"

" Should I add in your infidelity too?"

Mom wore a fake smile. " Only if you mention your neglect "

" Could you just tell the damn story?" Nick interjected impatiently as he took a seat at the table next to his dad.

" Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be with Alily?"

Nick scoffed as if my question didn't make any sense. "No, she got all in her feelings and said she wanted to go home when Wesley called her Mia. Where's Angelica? She run off too?"

" No, she's downstairs with Dom" my eyebrows knitted together for a moment as I remembered the look on Angie's face as she spotted Dom. Angie didn't care for Nick or Jake but her and Dom became best friends almost immediately.

" Are we going to keep asking about each other's girlfriend or are we going to get to the story?" Ellis interjected impatiently resting his face in his palm.

" Do you want to start? Or should I?" Mom offered crossing her arms over her chest.

" Go ahead, just be sure to give the full story" dad nodded

Mom's face twitched as she hesitated then turned her gaze to Ellis and I.

" Our relationship was perfect until I gave birth to you, Kaleb and no I'm not saying it's your fault at all. It's Leon's fault"

" Jesus Christ Jocelyn" dad muttered exhaustedly

" Anyways once I was a mommy Leon didn't want to touch me anymore, we didn't eat dinner together or even speak"

" You had an issue with everything I had to say, it was better to just say nothing"

" The only time you acknowledged my existence was when you wanted sex"

" Would you have preferred if I slept with the women at the castle?" Dad asked leaning back in his seat linking his fingers together.

With a wave of her hand mom dismissed dad's words.

" Kaleb was just about to turn one years old but by that time I.. I already had started seeking attention from someone else. Before your dad had Malcolm there was Kristopher and I fell in love with him. " Mom looked down shamefully fiddling with her manicured fingernails.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now