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                                                     With a content sigh and smile on my face I looked down at the goddess cuddled next to me

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                         With a content sigh and smile on my face I looked down at the goddess cuddled next to me. Her dark curls were wild and all of over her perfect head. The long, thick lashes laid against her honey toned cheeks while her full lips, pouty, a deep shade of pink and swollen. She was perfect and even with her laying beside me asleep doing absolutely nothing caused my dick to stiffen. I didn't want to wake her, she didn't even look real when she was sleeping. But I needed to be inside of her at least one more time before we left.


                           Leaning over I kissed her soft lips, and as I pulled away my gaze fell to the ring on her finger and I smirked knowing she really was mine. My eyes  trailed down to the irresistible beautiful honey brown nipple. The blanket failed to hide her  full tits and they rose and fell as she slept peacefully.. driving me crazy. Carefully I cupped her tits, gently rubbing my thumb against her peaks causing them to harden and rise. Putting one in my mouth, my tongue rolled around it, and as I gently suckled she moaned softly stirring awake.

" Kaleb" her golden green eyes fluttered opened as she stared back at me.

Releasing her nipple, a smiled stretched across my face. "Good morning hermosa"

Grabbing ahold of her thigh I gently rolled  her onto her back and slid my hand further between her legs. Gasping she flinched as my fingers brushed against the smooth lips and she closed her thighs on my hand.

" We don't have to if you want to" I reassured staring into her eyes. For Mia I didn't mind if I had to go jerk off in the bathroom. I wasn't going to make her do anything she didn't want to. Even if we already did it the night before. 

" It's sensitive" she said softly, so softly I couldn't help but smile. Mia was as fierce as she was beautiful but when it was just us, she was entirely different. Submissive, completely willing to do what I say.

" I'll be gentle, okay?"

Nodding she slowly opened her legs and immediately I circled the pretty little nub between her legs. Her flat stomach sat low and her legs trembled as she let out a shaky breath, her sweet moans filled the room.

" You like that?" I asked her as she relaxed in to my touch. Even the faces she made drove me crazy. I fucking loved everything about her.

" Yes" she spread her legs wide for me, with my thumb against her clit, I thrusted my middle and ring finger inside of her hot, gushing wetness. As I pushed my fingers deep she gasped. Tensing, her eyes widen worriedly as her body trembled and a heat released inside of her.

" Kaleb" her voice shook as she grabbed my hand stopping me.

" Is that too much for you?"

" I thought you were going to be gentle"

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now