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" This is depressing" Ellis muttered as another person stepped behind the podium to say something else about Monty's Mom, her name was Pamela

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" This is depressing" Ellis muttered as another person stepped behind the podium to say something else about Monty's Mom, her name was Pamela.

" It's a funeral, it's supposed to be depressing" I whispered glancing over at Monty, he was barely keeping it together but at least he washed his ass today. He sat with his friends while his dad sat with their family.

" Where's Nick I thought he was coming"

" Don't know and I don't give a fuck"

I could feel Ellis's gaze on the side of my face as I stared forward.

" Stop looking at me"

" What's going on with you?"

Sighing I looked over at him. " Why does everyone keep thinking something is wrong with me? I'm fine"

" Oh, bullshit" Ellis spat. It was way too loud and the person at the front even paused as Jack looked back at us.

" Shhh"

Smirking I looked back at Ellis as he rolled his eyes.

" I know I can't say too much about how you were before the break up but I seen the photos bro, I see how everyone looks at you. Even dad acts strangely around you and I barely know him.. it's because of that girl isn't it? Mia?" He scoffed and I could feel the judgement radiating off of him but I held my jaw tight as the temperature began to rise underneath my jacket.

" Cut it out Ellis" I gritted trying to keep my voice down as I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

" No" he snorted as everyone began to get up and spoke amongst one another as they made their way out of the building to head to the cemetery. But Ellis's words swarmed around my head like a hive of angry bees and like a ticking time bomb I could feel myself getting more and more pissed off. Jack and Cody both looked our way expectantly but only for a moment before swiftly looking away.

" You are out of fuckin line Ellis and you need to stop"

" I'm not trying to be disrespectful I know the girl is hot ass fuck and I bet fuckin her feels amazing. But you act like you two dated for years and she had your kid but it's nothing like that but you let her get in your head. Without even being in the room she's changing you. Everyone talks about this cool, calm, and collected badass version of Kaleb Amato. But that's not who I see"

" You're my brother and we haven't known each other for very long at all. But I can tell that you've never been in love before, so the fact is you don't know shit about what I've been feeling or what I'm going through. And purely because you're my brother I'm going to ask you nicely to shut the fuck up about it before I lose my shit"

" Do it and just prove me right, you let that soul sucking bitch change you, the bitch is poison Kaleb, and the longer you hold on, the more it's going to fuck you up inside"

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now