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                           The musty smell of mildew hung in the air as we stepped inside the building, The tile floors were filthy and covered in grime while the walls that weren't badly damaged were covered in colorful graffiti. The space could have been an acentric art gallery if it weren't full of people that society wouldn't miss if they came up missing. Only a few of the lights overhead were functioning by the pitiful, loud humming generator. Light wasn't needed though as the loud talking and sporadic laughter echoed from the second floor we already knew where we needed to go. Ellis stayed close as we headed to the long staircase, a skinny, middle aged woman with thinning hair sat slumped on the steps. Her baggy shirt exposed one of her large saggy tits but as she slightly twitched it was clear that she not only wouldn't notice us but if a sick fuck decided to have his way with her he could.

It's probably why she was allowed to be here.

The Zeros didn't usually let junkies stay here unless they could provide something.


The stairs creaked under our weight as we headed up to the second set of steps. Once on the landing the real guard stared back at us and immediately lifted his sawed off shot gun. A green bandana was tied around his shaved head and his beady dark eyes stared back at us in a way that was meant to be menacing.

" Alejandro, buddy" Nick smiled causing Alejandro's expression to harden.

" Get the out of here Nicholas, we're done with Ghidorah, you mother fuckers are marked. All I have to do is pull this trigger and we're that much closer to taking this bitch over"

" But you won't" I added before Nick could open his mouth.

" And why is that?"

" Think of the war you would be starting, even right now we're the only reason Greenleaf hasn't wiped you all off the map. We only came here to talk"

Alejandro scoffed. " Talk? Do I look that fuckin stupid to you?"

" Yes, now we can stand here and argue about how stupid your face is or you can let us by to see Mitch"

Alejandro chuckled leaning his shit gun against the railing. He then stepped down the steps to get in my face. " And if I say no"

Swiftly Nick threw a few jabs at Alejandro's torso that he immediately tried to counter with a heavier swing. As he misplaced his footing on the steps Nick easily dodged the blow and shoved Alejandro towards the railing. Crashing against the rusted metal Alejandro coughed and I watched as Nick stepped beside him, grabbed ahold of his shirt and forced him over more. With a loud slam and then another Nick forced Alejandro's head through the bars. The metal scraped Alejandro's head badly tearing off a bit of the skin on the side of his face. Cursing and screaming Alejandro was hilariously and undoubtedly stuck.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now