39- Part ¹

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Huffing I made my through the crowded sidewalks scanning every number on every building I passed

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Huffing I made my through the crowded sidewalks scanning every number on every building I passed. Bradon didn't give me much info at all. Nothing but a address and said it's a barbershop. Just as I pulled my phone out to call Bradon again the sound of deep gruff laughter erupted from a nearby building. The paint was peeling from the classically painted pilers that stood on each side of the short building. Two metal framed glass doors sat propped open with a cinder block holding one door open and a chair holding the other open. The smell of cigarettes was faint in comparison to the manly body spray and colognes. The tile floor was faded to a pale brown and a dark wooden desk blocked half of the walk way. A pretty girl stood behind the desk, leaning against it on her elbows. She had the palest skin I ever seen with full lips and a wide nose that fit her round face. Curly pale hair was pulled back and as her blue eyes shifted from a popular magazine she scanned me from my face to my feet and back again. Her eyes narrowed as a deep jealousy fueled scowl formed on her face.

" Are you lost?"

With a smile I matched her gaze. "I'm looking for Bradon, he said he works here"

Her posture became defensive as she stood straight. " Which one are you?"

" The one looking for Bradon, what is this an interrogation?"

" Look a lot of girls come in here looking for Bradon claiming to have a relationship with him, claiming to be pregnant with his baby. Nothing but drama we're not dealing with any of that-"

" Lanae" a deep baritone voice sent a vibration through the air as a tall, intimidating man approached from behind her. Her mouth clamped shut and her body posture changed from false confidence and almost became cowardly. The man was older, in between the age of my dad and my grandpa with thick silver hair running along his jaw in a thick, expertly trimmed beard. His skin complexion was far darker than hers and almost mimicked the same rich mocha complexion as Amber's. A black apron wrapped around his waist and the longer I peered between the man and the girl I began to see a resemblance, his eyes were darker but even behind his gold framed glasses I could see that they had the same shaped eyes, and they shared the same wide nose.

As he met my gaze a unfathomably friendly smile spread across his face revealing a gold tooth amongst the white ones.

" Now what can I help you with sweetheart? I hope it's not a hair cut
No one here would be willing to cut all that pretty hair" he chuckled

With a smile of my own I shook my head. " No, I'm looking for Bradon"

He nodded as a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes for a moment.

"Does he know you're coming?"

Swiftly I pulled my phone from my back pocket. " I mean I told him I was in town and he sent me this address so, yes?"

The man chuckled with a nod and stepped from behind the desk.

" Good enough for me, Bradon's been busy with our specialty customer but that's never stopped him from flapping his gums before. Especially for a lovely young lady"

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now