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                                      Inhaling deeply my chest hurt as the cold heavy rain continued to fall. Soaking through my drenched clothes it felt like a continuous flow of numbing needle pricks.  My vision blurred as I stared at my hands sinking into the thick slurry of mud between my fingers. The only light came from the emergency lights mounted upon each post along the barbed fence. Thick, heavy clouds of gray and black hung from above releasing the ocean itself upon my head.  My muscles ached and tears threatened to fall as my mind spun and the voices in my head continued to scream. It didn't matter what I did or how hard I tried, I was a failure and everyone in my life turned their backs on me at some point. It was my fault, I was weak, I let them in and in return I learned an unbearably hurtful life lesson.

Don't let anyone in.

" Get up Mia" Macoy barked impatiently as he stood over me. It was getting dark out but Macoy was determined to whip me back into shape. He said it himself, I'd grown weak, I put my trust in other people and slowly but surely it chiseled away at my exterior shell. I kept my head down as I tiredly tried to command my legs to move but pitifully they refused to do so. I was exhausted, I was on the verge of unconsciousness but the pain radiating from the back of my head, my ribcage, and the razor sharp cuts in my hands kept me awake. Uncontrollably my face scrunched hideously as I began to cry.

I let everyone down.

A born failure

As I inhaled I gasped as my hair was suddenly yanked backwards and my face jerked upwards.

" Are you crying?!" He barked his pale blue eyes stared back into me with a look of disgust riddling his tried scarred face. He wore no hat and had no umbrella so the rain poured down his skin giving him a unnervingly frightening look. It didn't faze him, it was almost as if it wasn't raining at all.

" You have forgotten who the fuck you are Mia, get on your feet" he spat his grip on my hair tightened as a loud rumbling thunder echoed from above. The strands threatened to pull from the roots as I stared back at him the tears now flowed freely.

" I can't"

His expression hardened even more. With ease he yanked me to my feet by my hair. Yelling out I grabbed ahold of his hand and clumsily I tried to balance on the tips of sneakers in the sinking mud. It futile and Macoy sneered at me like I was a runt that had no chance of surviving on it's own.

" You used to be able to finish this obstacle in record time but now you can't finish it at all. Why?"

" I don't know" I sobbed as my lungs expanded again I croaked at the sharp pain radiating from my ribcage.

" Why?! Mia!" He demanded an answer.

" Because I'm weak" I replied praying that he let go of my hair, the pain surged through my entire skull and it was growing harder and harder to focus.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now