68- The Amato Estate

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The next morning

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The next morning

        Shifting comfortably against the soft sheets my tired eyes creaked open and a deep frown fell upon my face.  I didn't get nearly enough sleep but  with the rising sun shining on Mia's golden skin I resisted the urge to curse. She looked like some kind of goddess with her full lips pouting and her long curls wild and all over her head. She was exhausted and instead of waking her with an orgasm I forcibly decided against it. We hadn't had sex in a while now and I wanted it badly but I couldn't remember how thick the walls were here and the last thing I needed to was my dad disappointed in me and Tobias plotting my death. It was his only condition to letting me and Mia sleep in the same room.

No sex.

I couldn't be too mad about it, I would imagine it's pretty disturbing hearing your daughter moaning and screaming as she's getting fucked.

But as soon as I found a private place, it was happening.

Carefully I slid out of bed, the cuffs of my pants dragged along the cool floor as I walked out of the door. Silently I closed the door behind me just as the door across from mine suddenly swung open revealing a groggy and half sleep Ellis. Like me he was only wearing a pair of baggy pajama pants and he was also scaring everyone with his disturbingly flat chest. We both headed down the hallway towards the long staircase, in search of coffee and something to eat. Just as Mia's words replayed in my head about Ellis I glanced over at him and recoiled at his naked flesh.

"You need to go put a shirt on. No one wants to see your fuckin bird chest"

Ellis scoffed. " And no one wants to see your  pasty pale ass skin, you look like one of those dudes from that gay ass movie twilight"

" I would rather look like them instead of you"

" Good morning young men" August boomed happily as he strode over to us. His face glistened with sweat and a foul sour smell drifted from his body as he offered a wide smile.

" Morning " I nodded as Ellis frowned, still affected by August's stench.

" If you're looking for breakfast, you can just head to the kitchen"  August motioned for us to follow with the nod of his head.

"Our chef and staff are off for today so we'll have to fend for ourselves. " Cheekily August lifted an eyebrow as he grinned. " Unless.."

" Unless.. what?"

" Well Nicholas said your Mia is quite a cook"

" Mia is asleep, I'm not waking her up to cook breakfast"

"Why not? I think she would enjoy the opportunity to prove her usefulness" August stated coyly as his gaze shifted to Ellis so quickly I almost didn't catch it. Ellis then let out a chuckle and as I caught the rich smell of coffee I clasped his shoulder pulling him to a stop. August paused looking back at us with a puzzled expression.

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