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Alright this is a super long chapter and I know I've done this before but today is a special day. It is MissLynneWrites Birthday today.!!! So yes this long ass chapter is dedicated to you my friend. Enjoy ☺️

 Enjoy ☺️

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An overwhelming feeling of guilt flooded my mind and it was a struggle just to stare back into her face.

" We've already talked Mia"

"But I-" as she stopped and sighed. Her full lips came out in a pout. '' When you left I slipped on my blanket and I fell. I started to bleed out if my dad hadn't came along I probably wouldn't be standing here right now" she chuckled trying to make light of the situation and gestured to the back of her head.

" Are you okay?"

"I'm fine well I think I am but there's a patch of hair missing at the back of my head. My dad had to cut it to give me stitches. Anyway I just wanted to talk to you again and"-

" Mia-"

" I love you Kaleb" she interjected

" Mia-"

" I know I haven't made things easy for you and I hurt you on an entirely different level but I wanted to ask you if there was any way we could still make this work. I want to be with you"

" No you don't"

As she frowned I forced my eyes to look elsewhere, I couldn't do this again with her, regardless of how badly I wanted to. There was an unhealthy cycle when being with Mia and I already knew it would continue if we got back together.

" Kaleb-"

" You just don't want to be alone Mia, you don't want to be with me. This isn't even the first time you've done this with me. What we what feel for each other isn't equal, and it hasn't been from the beginning.. I love you far more than you love me" with a deep breath I tried to get my anger under control and for the first time ever her sad face didn't calm me down. It didn't even make me feel sympathetic, I was mad, I was getting labelled as the bad guy just protecting myself.

" I cheated on Angie with you, Mia. I'm not a fuckin cheater, and Angie loves me a hell of a lot more than I love her.-"

" But I-"

" Listen to me Mia, this isn't a discussion or debate I can not and will not do this with you again"

My chest tightened with an incredible mix of anger and guilt as her eyes swelled with tears . Her hands grabbed ahold her arms as she hugged herself.

" I'm sorry Mia, but you make me weak and at the same time turn me into a fuckin monster. Loving you is the reason I was shot to begin with.. I cared more about your safety than I do my own. I still do but If I was focused that day Dylan wouldn't be a problem right now. I wouldn't have missed my shot. I have never missed a shot in my entire life. I would have killed him.. "

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now