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My next chapter will be Mia's pov I promise 👃 I just wanted to get Kaleb's out of the way since it's so long. Anyways enjoy ☺️


                    An ugly scowl spread across Rodney's face, and as he stood straight the guy to his right turned towards us

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                    An ugly scowl spread across Rodney's face, and as he stood straight the guy to his right turned towards us. I immediately recognized him to be Rodney's best friend Juan Delgado, he wanted to fuck Mia. But Rodney acting like a big brother wouldn't allow it. Juan immediately recognized me and swiftly reached under his shirt retrieving a glock17 and pointed it me just as Jake did the same pointing at Juan. Jake's arms were longer and that made his stance just that much more intimidating. Then four more guys did the same, all aiming squarely at me. We were outnumbered, out gunned and out of options besides retreating. But I'd already stared death in the face too many times that not even an drop of fear flooded my veins. But the situation I was now faced with fueled my anger and my patience was running so dangerously low that the rational thoughts were becoming whispers.

As someone let out a scream more than half of the group scattered leaving the roughest of the guys and a few women who clung to their chosen men.

" Well this escalated faster than I anticipated" I muttered as Jake shook his head, his eyes never leaving Juan's.

" What the fuck are you doing here Amato? " Juan spat angrily as Raheem stepped beside him and only watched on in amusement.

" You can calm down I'm not here for you" looking back at Rodney I pulled my hoodie over my head then the tshirt and tossed in to the ground. A cool breeze brushed against my skin as I raised both my hands.

" I'm not carrying any heat, I just came to talk"

" Talk? " Rodney spat stepping past Juan he walked over to me to get in my face. The brown skinned woman to his side gently grabbed ahold of his arm.

" Rodney-"

" Shut the fuck up and go in the house" he barked snatching away from her as he pointed at the townhomes. " All of you " he commanded the rest of the women.

The women hesitated as they looked at each other then at the men expecting to protest on their behalf. Wearing stern expressions they stayed silent as they sided with Rodney. Huffing the women hurried off together leaving us with them. Soon as the women were out of ear shot Rodney's attention focused back to me.

"You should have brought your heat, cause I'm real tempted to blow you the fuck away"

"Go ahead" I dropped my arms.


" Kaleb-"

" What I said back then wasn't okay and I know it wasn't but I did it out of what I thought was brotherhood.. it was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made and I'm sorry.. and if you still want to kill me without hearing me out then go ahead"

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now