67- The Amato's

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Twelve days Later

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Twelve days Later


                       Growling in frustration I grabbed ahold of five hangers in each hand before pulling the clothes down and tossing them onto the ottoman. My overly cluttered closet and the worst part was that I irresponsibly waited until the last minute to finish packing. Marco was picking me up from Nicks so we could head to the private hanger where Leon's plane was stored. All I had packed was the lingerie I planned on slipping into for Kaleb. We hadn't seen each other in almost two weeks and though we've spent hours on the phone it wasn't enough, I needed to see him. But with the news of Gerald and Savino's death their funerals were made priority.  We were leaving at the best possible time. The flight to Seville, Spain wasn't a short trip and preparations needed to be made, so many preparations that neither Dad or Marco were home all week.  With Gerald gone my Dad once again took his place as Tony's second in command and as much as I didn't like it.. Marco was doing exactly the same for Nick.

Only a few days passed before Leon announced that we were to leave for his home town in Seville, Spain. It was pretty perfect timing especially since the death count in Dyvercity was slowly becoming epidemic it was a good idea to leave the city. With a shred of luck the blame wasn't squarely on the mafia, this time it was gang wars. It was becoming such a problem that the mayor advised that if you do not have to leave your home at night, stay home. It was to avoid as many casualties as possible while the police tried to put a halt to it all. Every body that was found was being concluded as a result of gang violence. Reese Collin's body was found crushed inside of his own car at a junk yard. The gun shot wound to his head was ignored because of his reputation and affiliation with various gangs.  His murder wasn't being looked into. I didn't know if it was really because the city couldn't afford it because his death was one of dozens. Or if it was because Reese was a known thug and they just didn't care.

Regardless of the reasons Dyvercities crime rate was the worst it's been in twenty years.
As I zipped up the third suitcase the sudden honk from a car outside got my attention. I already knew it was Marco. Dragging my suitcases down the stairs I finally grabbed the  two duffle bags and my purse then carried them down the steps when the front flew open and Marco hurried inside. With deep bags under his eyes he looked at my luggage and then back at me with an expression of pure annoyance.

" Five fuckin bags Mia? Seriously?"

" Shut up I don't even know how long we're going to be out there. Plus everything is necessary"

With a huff Marco grabbed a handle of the suitcase and lifted them both with ease.

" Kaleb would definitely buy you whatever else you would need. Plus" he taunted speaking in a high pitch as if I really sounded like that.

" I doubt thongs you planned on modeling for Kaleb are necessary"

As he gave me a knowing look as I laughed pushing him out of the door. Shaking his head Marco quickly loaded my suitcases into his SUV. Just as he finished a familiar muscle car pulled in front of the house. In a haste Rodney jumped out he was clearly still in his pajamas with a durag tied to his head. None of it seemed to bother him though and I stopped myself from joking about his appearance as I saw the anger in his eyes.

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