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                           Slowly Jake's Chevelle crawled along the curb across the street from the decently sized mechanic shop

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Slowly Jake's Chevelle crawled along the curb across the street from the decently sized mechanic shop. The business had been here for a while now but with everything going on the previous owners passed the torch to the next willing buyers. The Stones were a mechanic family a lot like the Tasi's but dealt a little heroin under the table to ensure themselves financial security.

They never moved enough weight to gain Ghidorah's attention and the small low level gangs they had flew under the radar. Hood Rich is what Johnathan called them, they drove expensive cars with custom made rims and paint jobs. They wore flashy jewelry and the newest released clothes and shoes but still lived in old, small houses with crumbling porches and air conditioning units in the windows. The crime rate was just as high as anywhere in DyverCity. It's not that I was scared but I tried to avoid coming to this part of town because of two important reasons.

One, the hostility that hung in the air was lethal and everyone here was loud and hot headed just itching for a fight.

Two, I was white, and with my pale skin I stuck out like a broken thumb. My skin was fair by Spains standards, it didn't matter how much sunlight I got I still didn't look like I had an ounce of Spanish in my veins. And it didn't help that I had Jake and Nick with me. Jake was practically translucent and Nick embodied every stereotype of the ghetto white boy.

If a fight were to outbreak, no one would stop it, regardless of how it started we would be at fault. We were the outsiders. We weren't a part of their community. But the Stones were, Rodney and his brothers were practically royalty around the lower Eastside. So once the Stones decided to move back it took little effort to buy the building and plaster a new name across the front.

B-City Mechanic

Almost all of the businesses south of the river were family owned and they operated like their own community separate from DyverCity. So it wasn't surprising to see the business thriving, they looked after each other here. This area was one of the few that I experienced hatred more because of how I looked instead of who I actually was.

On the outside looking in, I'm sure we looked like we were coming to start problems.

Climbing out of the car I took a deep breath as I gazed back at the building. Nick muttered under his breath as he got out of the backseat and while Jake's face riddled with regret. We had only been in the area for less than a few minutes and several people had taken notice of us. Jake's classic car caused heads to turn upon hearing the powerful engine but once we got out, it was like ringing a blaring alarm.

" We should have brought Dom with us" Jake mumbled glancing over at me as Nick and I walked around the car.

" Why?" My eyebrow rose. "Cause he's brown? Or to be a meat shield in case things escalate?"

" Yes" he deadpanned

" I'll remember to tell him that " shaking my head I looked over at Nick as he made a loud Pptff tucking the pistol in the back of his pants. With a content slouch he let out a loud cackle.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now