91- Mama

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I'm so scared

"Mia? How are you doing baby girl?" Dad asked softly gently stroking my hand. His touch was soothing but it did nothing to stop my trembling limbs. In the mist of laughing and talking with Kaleb while on the phone with Michael I felt a pop in the lower part of my belly. A wetness formed between my legs and I thought I pissed myself.. but when I went to the bathroom it wasn't urine.

It was clear, with no smell or anything.

Like water..

If I didn't call and tell my dad I would've never known it was my water. Kaleb immediately began to panic and grabbed my overnight bags and made Tommy get the car while he  ran to tell Nick. I didn't want Nick there.. but this was his baby too. Once at the hospital I let them know that I just reached my 7 month mark. I was placed in a room to wait for my contractions to start.. but after about 40 minutes, they didn't. The nurses didn't explain anything to me about what was happening except that now I needed to be prepped for a C section.

Unable to feel anything below the waist and a large bright light above my head I no longer had any control of my nerves. I shook so viciously that the narrow table beneath me vibrated. The doctors kept asking me if I wanted to wait for my husband to be present. I had to stress to them that the only person I needed right now was my dad..

Licking my dry lips I looked over at my dad, they gave him scrubs to wear, a plastic blue hat to cover his hair and a mask to cover his nose and mouth.

"I'm so  scared I think I'm going to cry" I croaked just as I felt a hot tear curl around my face and into my ear.

" Aww Mia, don't worry you'll be fine" one of the doctors assured me.

One of the nurses took ahold of my other free hand.

" You're a strong mama, Dr. Reilly and Dr. Vaughn has done many C-sections. This is nothing to worry about, okay hun"

A dark blue curtain blocked me from seeing anything below my ribcage. Just then the doctor referred to Dr. Reilly peeked over the curtain at me.

"Ok Mia you're going to feel a tugging sensation, there'll be no pain but it will be uncomfortable. Just take some deep breaths for me"

Dad squeezed my hand as he peeked over the curtain then smiled down at me.

" They're fast, he's almost here"

With a deep breath I stared up at the light as I felt a sickening pull in the pit of my stomach. Closing my eyes I continued taking deep breaths then soon I heard it.

The most precious sound in the entire world, a sweet tiny cry.

"There he is" I could hear the smile in one of the doctors voices.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now