41- Part ³

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                          The message was sent a few hours ago and I couldn't help but frown as I typed a response

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The message was sent a few hours ago and I couldn't help but frown as I typed a response. I stared at the screen, waiting for Marco to open it and respond. But as the minutes passed by I gave up and looked back out at the parking lot. The headlights of a few cars blinked as the owners locked doors. They were dark cars amongst dark cars and it wasn't until I spotted the owners that my knees buckled. His pale skin glowed ethereally under the street lights as a fitted black t-shirt hugged his broad shoulders and his solid lean build. Baggy black skinny jeans hugged his strong long legs and his dark red hair was disheveled and wild as it blew in the wind. Just as a white puff of smoke left his lips I heard his melodic voice in my head and my gaze fell to the gleaming metal resting across the knuckles of his right hand. He looked incredible and my hand subconsciously ran over my stomach as every impulse in my body wanted to run to him.

To hug him, to kiss his lips and put all of this behind us..

But if we're together his life was danger, more so.. and I just can't be with him with that knowledge.

Nick had came along too and I could see the glittering chain peeking from underneath his grey jeather jacket. The rings on his fingers glittered as he swung his arms with his typical arrogance. Dominic and Jake were following close behind. As they entered the building the panic began rushing so severely through my veins that my head began to spin. Pushing away from the railing I hurried back inside in search for Bradon, we needed to leave right now. None of the faces were familiar and it wasn't until I ran into the back of someone that my sporadic search came to a halt. The guy grinned down at me and I almost immediately recognized him to be the guy that invited us here in the first place.

"Travis, have you seen Bradon? Is he still here?"

" You remembered my name"

" I don't have time for this! Did he leave-"

" Whoa, slow down Bradon didn't go anywhere. Check upstairs he probably went to the bathroom" he pointed to the stairway at the far end of the room.

Without thanks I hurried in that direction and ran up the steps. It was surprisingly clean but even louder than the floor below, the music was being played from up here and even if I wanted to call out his name there's no way he would hear me. In a haste I began trying every room most of them were empty and there were a few people passed out in a few of the beds. Soon I reached the last few rooms and grabbed the knob to the second to last room and the door swung open with ease. But my mouth ran dry and I froze at the scene in front of me.

Tatiana was completely naked with her breasts pressed against the rich burgundy colored wall. She still wore her stiletto heels and stood with her feet apart and a deep arch in her back. Waves rippled through her ass and it bounced against Bradon as he mercilessly thrusted into her. He was shirtless and his long dreads hung over his shoulders and down his back. Her long weave was wrapped around his fist while his other hand kept her pinned to the wall. The whites of her low eyes were visible as her lips parted in a moan I couldn't hear. Bradon's long, thick dick was visible as he pulled out and thrusted back in. It was the same color as his butterscotch colored skin and glistened with her wetness.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now