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Six months,
eleven days,
thirteen hours,
seven minutes
and forty seven seconds ago

     I have no idea how long it's been, I don't think it matters anymore but I can't feel my hands anymore. My eyes are so sensitive from the tears that they don't burn but every blink feels like sandpaper being rubbed against them. My throat is so dry the only sound I can make is a pitiful whimper as Vincent continues to painfully pump himself inside of me, relubricating the wetness between with his saliva to join his cum inside of me. With his skin flushed red, his disgusting sweat drips on me while his assault continues for what I could guess to be hours.

No one has came in to stop him.

The only sounds that fill the room are of his grunts, groans and the squeaking of the metal framed bed. Staring at the nylon rope tied above my head a glimmer of hope flared in my stomach as I watched as it looked to be slowly unraveling from the constant rocking of the metal frame. When suddenly he stopped and a panic began to flood my head as he pulled out.

Releasing a deep breath Vincent smiled proudly.

" Don't worry ciccio I'm not done yet, I'm just dehydrated. I'm going to get water, I'll be back"

Climbing off of me Vincent strode back out of the door, completely naked and I waited a few more seconds to be sure he was gone. Straining the muscles in my legs I forced the bed to rock on its supports.



I pleaded to someone, anyone as I watched the rope become looser and looser. My muscles screamed painfully as I pushed as hard as I could, as fast as I could and soon the end of the rope dangled in front of my face. Lifting my head I grabbed ahold of the rope with my teeth and with a hard yank the rope released from around the metal bar. Quickly I brought my hands down to eye level and as I looked at the amature tied around my wrists I wasted no time I loosened the rope and tossed it to the floor. Reaching back up behind me I grabbed ahold of the rope that held my legs up and as my heavy legs dropped, muscles screamed and I had to bit into my lip to keep myself from making a sound. My joints felt out of place and as I slowly straightened my legs and as they came together the pain radiating between my thighs became more apparent. Every throb was so painful it brought fresh tears to my eyes. Pulling myself up my eyes widened at the deep, dark bruises along my hips and thighs. Then the blood trail I was leaving against the white sheets.

I'm so sorry Kaleb...

With a huff I swung my tired legs out of the bed and blood seeped into my mouth as I bit into my tongue to keep myself from making a sound. My entire body ached, and my lower half felt like I was filled with needles. Every movement made me want to cry out. But I had no idea where Vincent was if he found me out of the bed.. the thought scared me so bad that I didn't want to dwell on it.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now