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                 " I don't want to go anywhere, Nick " I sighed trying to keep my tone from sounding too complacent.

After me and Nick's shameless love making on the dining room table Dom called Nick with a surprise. He had called everyone and was throwing Nick a massive party. The Tasi's were doing excellent business wise and Dom was eager to show off his yacht. He knew Nick loved being the center of attention and this was the perfect opportunity. Just as the happy thought of just being able to see Kaleb sent a giddy sensation through my body it quickly faded. I had to swallow this feeling and as the happiness fell flat I recalled all of the changes I learned while being Nicholas Lombardi's wife.

The first thing I learned about living with Nick is how to keep my tone soft.

My tone is one of the things that gets him upset, if I sound annoyed or agitated then his mood shifts.. I hate it. Every time my tongue heals I puncture it again when biting into it to stop myself.

I had to be submissive, being alone with him shined a light on how bad his temper truly is. He's never laid a hand on me but he has grabbed me, leaving bruises. He screams and breaks anything and everything he can get his hands on then blames me. It's frightening to say the least.. the worst time was when he found out I was trying to text Kaleb.. he broke my phone and came after me like a rapid dog. Connie and Jamison both had to pull him back and drag him across the house.

I'm not allowed to talk to Kaleb without his knowledge at all and he told me if it happened again he would kill him, slowly and record it just for me..

" Come on babe" Nick grinned as he walked out of the walk in closet buttoning the long sleeve silk livid colored shirt. The color and fabric complimented his tan skin as it fell over his board shoulders. The material became more tailored to his body with each button. It was narrow in the waist and hugged his solid body playfully molding over a defined line or muscle with every movement. The black jeans fit his thick strong legs as they stretched into the custom black leather loafers with the silver trim. The me of 9 months ago would have been weak in the knees at the sight of him right now. Regardless of our wedding and my pregnancy Nick hadn't left the gym alone, his body stayed sculpted to every woman's wet dream but then again he always looked like this...

It didn't excite me or cause me to blush, his appearance didn't make my heart race but what did get my blood pumping was the situation he would surely put me in. Nick looked like he stepped out of a magazine. The jewelry that glittered in his ears and around his neck was without a doubt going to cause every sexually frustrated and money hungry woman to gravitate towards him.

What made it worse was that I couldn't tell if Nick liked the attention or he liked to get a rise of out me. These situations always forced me to stake my claim as his wife, I had to be territorial, appearance wise or else it would lead to more problems. To avoid having to deal with it I didn't leave the house very often, honestly I rarely left. I could never leave alone even to see my dad or my brothers and so I rather just stay home. They came to see me, Nick never stopped them from doing so, the only one that had a problem with it was Connie.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now