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As we strode out of the front doors Dom followed behind with no hesitation.

" I get it if you need a break but why a red neck bar?"

" It's gritty ass hell"

" You got a better idea?" I challenged glancing back at him.

" Yeah I do actually... Follow me"


Ellis and I rode with Nick while Marco rode with Dom. Nick tried to question him about it but I shut him down before he could push for an answer. Anyone with eyes could see that Marco wasn't okay. Milo was in hiding and Mia.. I didn't want to know what she was going through right now. But from his perspective he was the last Langley standing and he turned his back on his sister once again. He did it for himself, Nick guaranteed Marco the spot of his right hand man. Now that it happened Marco wasn't ecstatic about it all. If he was feeling anything right now it was regret.

Though I didn't want Nick to lay into Marco, I didn't pity him.

He was a man that made a choice.

                   Nick and Ellis laughed and conversed like life long friends as we followed Dom for hours. The street lights grew sparse and wide open fields began to replace the city scene. Soon we pulled into the parking lot of a large business. The building was old with a rustic look made of sheet metal for walls and no windows. It didn't have the stereotypical vibe of a redneck bar and something about it reminded me of an family restaurant. Anxiously Ellis jumped out while Nick and I climbed out more cautiously.

" What kind of place is this Dom?"

" It's a bar and grill.. well it was the last time I was here' Dom mumbled glancing back at me as we began to stride towards the building.

" How long has it been?" ..

" A year? Maybe longer"

"In other words you don't where the fuck we are"

"Bro chill, this is what regular people do, they get lost and eat at random restaurants" Nick reassured with a wide forced smile and clasped my shoulder aggressively. Scowling back at him I shrugged his hand off and trudged towards the building. Rock music and loud obnoxious talking echoed from inside and as put my hand against the heavy door I stepped inside and was immediately overwhelmed with unexplainably warm, stale air filled with the smells of fried food, beer and a hint of piss. My first impression that place was a family restaurant was way off and as we all filtered inside the attention of the patrons slowly turned in our direction and the obvious was clear.

We weren't welcomed here

Everyone here looked as if they lived a hard, violent life. Sporting scars, tattoos, ripped clothing and ugly expressions. The lights were low and others were missing but it did nothing to hide the dirt and grime permanently cemented to the pale colored tile. Several holes and cracks were in the walls exposing wires and poor insulation underneath.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now