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  " You couldn't handle me in your wildest dreams little girl so sit there and keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and I promise you won't have to suck another dick within the next 24 hours" 


" Cassidy! Where are you, you fat fuck!" a deep voice boomed halting my words as Ashton sauntered into the living room glancing over his shoulder with the look of annoyance on his face.

" Is that?-"

" You know it is" Ashton grumbled tiredly plopping into the seat across Cassidy then lazily dropped his head down onto the table. Just as I started to ask what they were talking about the question answered itself. As a unfamiliar face sauntered into the room pushing a pair of thin golden wired framed shades into the dark wavy tresses at the top of his head. The eccentric black silk shirt clung to his build causing ripples in the delicate fabric like a second skin. Golden flowers were stitched into the fabric blooming across the top stretching from each broad shoulder. On an average man it would have been feminine but this one it was cocky and smug without him saying a word.

                     I learned long ago that good looking men were to be expected within Ghidorah. But this one was the kind of handsome that made me frightened  to speak. Like looking in the face of Ted Bundy with green eyes so dark they almost appeared black. With a devilish grin his gaze flicked to each of us. A lusty haze filled the tar pools of dark green as his eyes lingered on me a moment longer before Cassidy stood to his feet with a wide smile.

" Achil" he boosted before pulling the guy into a tight embrace. As they pulled apart Cassidy grasped the man's face lovingly.

" How've you been?"

Chuckling his gaze slowly shifted back over to me as he talked to Cassidy

" Good, regardless of the fact that Tony's trial coming up everything has been the same. Val's is here too, his creepy ass is lurking around here somewhere but we only showed up uninvited because your dad called us in the middle of the night saying he needed us here to talk about something urgent" his grin returned. It was then I took notice of deep and gravelly his voice really was. It didn't match how he looked at all. It was as if he was in his mid-forties and had been smoking for many years. And with his gaze still pinned squarely on me he bit into his bottom lip.

" And I'm pretty sure I can guess what it is about "

Swiftly he strode over to me as I turned around in my seat to face him. 

" I thought works of art weren't allowed to leave the museum" he smiled

" That is the lamest shit I ever heard in my life"  Marco barked impatiently rolling his eyes and suddenly chuckled as I shoved my elbow into his side.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now