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                     I finally get somewhere with Mia and now Kaleb wants to lose his fuckin mind, how convenient. As I gripped the steering wheel my jaw locked as I tried to keep myself calm with thoughts of Mia. It was the wrong choice that caused my semi chubbed dick to harden all over again. Jumping into the next lane I pressed harder on the pedal as I swerved around someone's grandma as I came up to the exit I needed. Just then my music stopped and a loud ringing blared from my speakers as a phone call came. My irritation only grew worse as I read the name.


With no hesitation I tapped against the screen ignoring the call. Dallon wasn't a friend, he was barely an associate. He played for the rivalry highschool football team Liberty High. We only ever hung out once when we were forced to get along on an anger management retreat that none of us benefitted from. He still attended A U and there was talk that he was going to be drafted for the NFL. The guy made a pledge to never forget his friends, like Monty. That was the only link between us. Just as my music began to play again it immediately stopped as Dallon called again.

" Ugh shit" huffing I tapped the screen answering it. A rustling sound echoed through my car just as various voices could be heard muttering in the background.

" If you don't talk, I'm hanging this shit up"

" Nick, bro. You busy?"

" I'm clearly fuckin driving!" I spat smacking the steering wheel. " What the is it?"

" Man" Dallon sighed. " You need to go check in on Monty"

" Why? Why can't you?"

" I won't be in town until tomorrow, Jack is with him now and Cody's is on his way but it doesn't look good"

" What are you talking about?"

" Monty's Mom died earlier today, he's in a bad place, he needs all the friends he can get right now"

Sighing my index tapped against the leather as I sat in front of the traffic light. " Tell him I'll swing by tomorrow, I have some things to take care of tonight "

Like Mia.. I was so close to making a break through with her that I could fuckin taste it but I knew that she wouldn't wait for me all night.

" Thank you, I'll let Jack know since Monty isn't answering his phone"

" Yeah, yeah. See ya tomorrow"

As the call ended I turned off of the main road and pressed harder against the accelerator. Kaleb's hotel was secluded on the west side of Dyvercity. And just like the castle there was a wide empty space in front of the building for parking in situations like this. The building stood tall proud, illuminating the darkness and I slammed on the brakes as I pulled in front of it and behind Dom's double wide Ram truck. Immediately turning the engine I jumped out and ran inside, it only took one glance for security to let me by without any objection. They knew something was going on but Kaleb was the boss and if he didn't call them in there, they weren't supposed to interfere. A burlesque show was on going and none of the patrons were wise to what was going down. I didn't bother to stop and speak to any of the some what familiar faces of those who called out to me. Kaleb's office was inconveniently in the back and hidden away like something out of a cheesy secret agent movie.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now