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Hello everyone I know I've gone back to lacking when it comes to my updates but because I love you all. Today will be a double update.

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" Why didn't you do it?"

My jaw rocked as I stared out of the window. Corey didn't wait for an answer and huffed pressing his accelerator before taking the exit into the factory/warehouse district on front street.

" I asked you a question" his voice came out low and in a growl.

" I heard you" I spat glaring back over at him.

" You don't have anything to say?"

"You don't want to hear what I have to say Corey"

" What is it? That you're still in love with him?"

Swallowing the lump in the back of my throat it quickly became a challenge to keep still. The sensitive skin of my freshly tattooed hands began to itch. As the anger pushed the blood through my veins faster and faster, the voices inside of my head grew louder.

" After everything that you've gone through, after everything that you're going through
right now."

How immature


I can't believe I actually fucked this one

Every word out of his mouth caused my jaw to clench so tightly it began to feel locked into place.

"You're being punished for giving a fuck about him in case you forgot"

" I didn't get forget and you need to stop" I spat shoving my hands under my thighs every fiber in my body wanted punch Corey across his stupid face. Or wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze all of the ignorance out of him.

Corey fell silent and a deafening silence accompanied the suffocating tension that filled the entire jeep. As Corey drove deeper into the polluted district he finally turned into a lot made of mostly gravel that sat behind the train tracks. It was isolated and all sounds were non existent when a train came through here. Staring out of the window I didn't say a word as Corey put the car in park and cut the engine off.

" Tell me why" he demanded

Besides the fact he wasn't there alone..

" He has every right to be mad at me, if my brothers weren't there when I woke up from my coma I would have been livid too. But that doesn't mean Kaleb should die or be hurt just for being human"

" What about your pain, your hurt?"

" It doesn't matter"

" What do you mean it doesn't matter?!" Corey yelled before stopping himself with a frustrated huff. "Are you really telling me you deserve to suffer because he's human, are you fucking serious Mia?"

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now