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In a anxious hurry I hurried into the bedroom and pulled on my clothes before another one of Vito's boys decided to pay me a visit

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In a anxious hurry I hurried into the bedroom and pulled on my clothes before another one of Vito's boys decided to pay me a visit. This was not something I was going to tolerate and I intended to tell Nick or Kaleb whoever I seen first. They wouldn't listen to Marco, I already knew that. Skipping down the stairs my feet came to an immediate halt as Cassidy and Kaleb strode towards me. As intimidating each of them were it was the intense look in Kaleb's eyes that forced me to stop. A frightening, angry fierce determination that no one could look back into without a riddle of fear rippling through their spine.

Cassidy didn't give me a second glance as he spoke in a low tone with his head tilted slightly towards Kaleb. As Kalebs gaze met mine I immediately felt myself looking away. And just as he passed by me his fingers gently came under my chin, briefly brushing against my skin.

" Kaleb I-"

" I don't have any time babe. We'll talk when I get back alright? I'll see you later cielo"

My tongue tied as the words inside of my tangled together and before I could even form a sentence he was strolling through the doors. With my fists at my sides I trekked through the house in search of Nick. Marco was with Ashton in the kitchen, Paris and Vincent were nowhere to be seen and as I almost gave up circling the massive home when I ran into the guy named Savino. Kaleb and Nick both seemed to trust him, he was tall, lean with jet black hair and olive toned skin.

" Savino"

" What's up?" He peered down at me curiously. He didn't know me and didn't even try to hide the fact that he didn't trust me.

" Do you know where Nick is? I can't find him"

Savino hesitated, his dark eyes stared back into mine as if he could see into my soul itself. Never looking away from me he nodded his head in the direction down the long hallway.

" He's in the gym"

" Thank you"

" Right" he muttered slyly brushing past me. My eyes rolled as I quickly off his gesture heading into the direction he gave me. The hallway was wide, unreasonably wide, big enough that a SUV could easily drive through. One of the walls were made completely of stained glass, the color of rich brown liquor streaked with thin embedded ropes made of dull steel. Large flat bulbs glittered from the high ceiling above. My steps were practically soundless as my feet padded softly across the cold stone. As I passed the huge intimidating doors I was sure Savino sent me the wrong way until I neared a wide open door. The floor was darker, discolored in a way I've only seen once before at Gudens.

Only blood could do that, and from how deeply discolored the stone was, it had been stained dozens, if not hundreds of times.. blood is already had to clean but this discoloration wasn't caused by the many times it seeped into the imperfect cracks but for how long it's repeatedly happened. Many generations stained the floor would be my guess.

(Unhinged) - Book 2 Of DyverCity Where stories live. Discover now