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Dean and the girls built a pyre and Dean put Kevin's body that was wrapped in a sheet on it. Dean pours some gasoline over the pyre before lighting a match and throwing it in, the three watching the fire build.

Ophelia numbly stares at and Libby silently cries, looking at the ground, not able to look at it.

They get back to the bunker and all go their separate ways. Libby goes to the kitchen, Ophelia goes to her room, and Dean goes to the library.

Libby flinches when she hears crashing noises from the library, but she doesn't get up to investigate, knowing it's Dean.


It's the next day and Dean is in the kitchen making sandwiches. Ophelia hasn't come out of her room since they got back from Kevin's hunter funeral.

"Here." Dean puts a sandwich in front of Libby. "Eat. Your dad would kill me if I just let you starve."

"Daddy isn't here." Libby mumbles, pushing the sandwich away.

"Well, we're gonna get him back." Dean says, pushing the sandwich towards her. "Eat it." He tells her, walking off to give the other sandwich in his hand to Ophelia. He reaches her room and knocks on the shut door.

"Oph? Come on, sweetheart, you gotta come out eventually." Dean says, not getting a response. "Don't you wanna help find Uncle Sam and help kick that angel out of him?"

"Ophelia, you need to eat. I made a sandwich." Dean says, but still receives no response. Dean turns the doorknob, actually shocked to find it unlocked. He opens it and walks in, finding Ophelia lying on her bed.

"Hey. You should eat the sandwich. It's been a while since you've had food." Dean says, putting the plate on her nightstand. "How you holding up?"

"How do you think?" Ophelia asks.

"Yeah, stupid look. Come on, pack, and we'll go find Sammy." Dean says. "Eat your sandwich."

"I don't want the sandwich." Ophelia says.


"No! I don't want your stupid sandwich!" Ophelia yells, sitting up. She grabs the plate and throws it at the wall, it smashing into pieces, the sandwich falling to the floor.

"Whoa! Oph--"

"I don't want a sandwich, I don't wanna come out of my room, I don't wanna see you!"


"Kevin's dead and Sam's gone! He trusted you and he got killed! He got screwed! Every freaking time! I told you to not put the angel in Uncle Sam, but you wouldn't listen! You never freaking listen! You don't care enough to listen!"


"You think I'm a little baby who doesn't have opinions! But I do, rather you like it or not, I have them! I'm not some helpless little baby anymore! You never listen to me when-when it's something that might be right or wrong or something with my powers! You don't!"

"You put the angel in Sam and look where that got us! Look where it got Kevin!"

"Ophi, I know. I'm sorry. I'm here, though--"

"When are you here?! The only time you were here was after Purgatory! You weren't there for me when I was scared of my powers! Or when Bobby died! You didn't notice the pain I was in then! Why would you now?!"


"It's your fault!" Ophelia screams, shoving Dean. It doesn't really move him, making her shove him again and he stumbles a bit. "It's your fault! You let Sam get possessed! You couldn't let him go! You got Kevin killed!" With each statement Ophelia shoves Dean further until his back hits the wall.

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